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Fraggle Rock fanfic: Song Of A Midnight Place


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2006
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Songa had a birthday! I missed it :frown: oh well



Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2008
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Whew ... I absolutely curled up and died @ Boober's first word. ROFL. This promises to be extremely amusing... :big_grin:


Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2008
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I'm glad everyone is still reading my fic, I will have the next chapter up soon, I've had the song written for it since the beginning, it is just a very emotional scene I want to get just right :smile:.. Red/Gobo is part of, though not the main focus of the this short story..:smile:


Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2004
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I'm glad everyone is still reading my fic, I will have the next chapter up soon, I've had the song written for it since the beginning, it is just a very emotional scene I want to get just right :smile:.. Red/Gobo is part of, though not the main focus of the this short story..:smile:
Call me an ol' softy, but that sounds...sweet. ^_^


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2006
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*calls wwfpooh and old softy*

yeah it is sweet XD


Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2008
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The mess of tangled ginger orange hair that had once been a certain fraggles pride and joy wailed again, sending pebbles tumbling off the sides of the small room.

Mokey, comb in hand, backed away for a moment to let her friend fuss before resuming the slow and painstaking job of brushing out burrs.

"Ooo, Mokey, that hurts!" Red whined, suddenly reaching backward. "Here, give it here!" She snapped, wrenching the comb from the taller lilac colored fraggles grasp and sitting back in her hammock.

"You must be doing it wrong…You see you just…" Red tried to run the comb though the back of her hair from the roots downward as Mokey watched intently.

"..and then you gotta…" Red added, flipping the whole mass of burr laced hair over her face and trying to comb from the ends inward feebly before collapsing backward with a tearful groan.

"Red? What's wrong?" Mokey asked in a helpful tone.

"It hurts just as much when I do it!" Red sobbed into her pillow, throwing the offending piece of caved quartz onto the floor.

"There, there. All it needs is a few hours and it will be a good as new. You'll see." Mokey said, picking up the abandoned comb and getting back to work.

The gurgled murmurs of the sleeping Poppy in his corner basket sweeped over the room again like a claiming melody.

"Are you sure you weren't practicing tap dance sky driving near the needle patch?" Mokey asked softy again.

"No!" Red mumbled nervously. "I..I told you. I was just..um, walking by and fell in…"

Mokey's eyes shown glossy black as she stopped in mid-brush.

"Did he… use the dove/love… rhyming scheme?"

A heavy feeling settled over the room as Mokey gazed as the motionless back of her friend. Suddenly, the yellow fraggle sat up sharply with a squeal like an over caffeinated cork from a bottle.

"He did! Oh my gosh Mokey it was so romanic!"

She laughed grabbing her friend's hands in glee as they both started to jump up and down, to her words blurred out at record pace, and Mokey's reply spoken just as quickly in a happy blur.

"..and every time I was trying to sing my rhymed reply to the love words someone would come along and..but you should have seen him Mokey he was so…"

"Oh, Gobo is so traditional with his rhymes. ..Above/love is nice to, or alcove/love but dove/love fits Gobo's song aura just right, so direct and straight forward like an oak tree in a…"

"Waitaminute, how did you know? About Gobo and me?" Red snapped to a halt, fixing Mokey with an accusing gaze.

"Oh Red, you're glowing with a light of the universe that all that breathes can see!" Mokey laughed, rocking and humming her half awakened son back to sleep.

"Really?" Red looked down at her hand in perplexed wonder. "I don't look any different…Honestly Mokey, your starting to make as much sense as…"

"As who?" Mokey asked, pausing to rub the dry soil in the pot that had long ago contained Lanford with a dreamy look.

"Nobody." Red replied, chewing on her top lip as if to contain unspoken comments.

"Who do I remind you of?" Mokey asked again to the young fraggles face, only to have her turn away, still chewing on her lip and gripping her ginger tipped tail defiantly.

"Red are you and the others trying not to talk to me about something?"

Mokey returned to sitting on her old bed, looking intently at the artwork she had taken off the walls hours before as if their pictures contained something in a book that had she had not read in a very long time.

"Nobody..Nothing…You'll be moving into the storyteller cave tomorrow…it's great that you are all mystical like..that is, none of us would ever be caught dead making you feel.." Red whipped her hands over her mouth, symphonic tears beginning to form in the corners of her eyes.

"What makes you feel like you can't talk about death around me?"

Mokey's point blank question seemed to be the direct opposite of what her friend had been expecting.

Red cocked her head at a lazy angle, trying her best to keep her normally sharp tone out of her next words.

"Well, it's just..you know since your…since…a year ago when…"

"Cantus died?" Mokey finished the sentence calmly.

Red gulped, not knowing what to expect now that the long forbidden words among her circle of friends had been spoken, by the very fraggle they had sworn never to speak them around!

"Oh Red, that was a year and seven months ago." Mokey said in her usual sunny soft tone that seemed to send Red reeling even more. "It's just a part of life, we all grow and then we die. It's unfraggley to hang onto that sadness."

"You mean you're not even a little sad?" Red blurted out in disbelief. "You weren't even when it happened? "

Mokey shook her head, smiling just a bit to brightly. "He was an elder, it was his time. It would be unfraggley of me to expect that he would have…"

"But Mokey, it's unfraggley not to be sad.." Red said, flopping down on the last remaining bare space on the bed. "If I had been you, and that had been Gobo…"

"Well it wasn't you was it?" Mokey said in her same usual tone, her hands gripping tightly onto a small pile of paintings on her lap. "I'd really appreciate if you would just…"

"But Mokey if you never be truly sad you can't ever be really happy…"

"I…am..happy…" Mokey spoke, inhaling with a dark and heavy sound as she stood up, her long aqua hair partly shadowing her eyes. " I'm always happy, but I guess my oldest dearest best friend in the whole rock is really too immature to understand after all…"

Mokey finished with a sob her walk turning into a run as she whipped out into the hallway and her form disappeared in the inky night

"What? Immature? What do you mean? Mokey? Mokey?" Red called into the darkness. "Mokey? I'm sorry..I'm..sorry.."

Red sat doubled over in the archway, only to be joined a moment later by a sleepy looking powder pink toddler fraggle who yawned and cuddled against her side, sucking on his thumb quietly.


The night was so deep and black that it looked as if the ditizes themselves had gone to sleep, leaving the whole world of the rock to be warped in a blanket of colorless nothingness. That was, in all places but the fraggle pond.

The silvery moon, that had many hours ago been the guest of honor at the moon greeting, still shone bright and clearly, like a silver beacon inhabiting the water.

The walls and ceiling around the pond reflected this same brilliance dimly, bathing the whole enclosure in a light blue tone just barely strong enough to make out surrounding shapes by..or rather a shape.

The form of a single fraggle was partly submerged in pond water, head and arms propped up on a large lilypad, only the occasional intake of breath, and slow steady motion of treading water showing that it was even alive.

"What in the rock? Mokey? It's the dead of night!" An awestruck whisper broke the heavy silence. " You'll catch your death of cold! Where's Poppy?"

"I'm fine...He's with Red…She'll keep him safe." Mokey said airily.

"It's a wonder that Red is so good at pediatric care..." Boober said mostly to himself, nearing the pond.

"Gobo and I were up most of tonight after Wembley had the most gruesome nightmare you could imagine, about some silly creature with a million tentacles called the IRS..I'm just now getting back home and…Mokey, are you really okay? You look pale.."

"His first word was Dada." Mokey continued slowly, as if she had not heard a word of his explanation.

"Beg your pardon?"

"Poppy's first word was 'Dada'. Cantus was holding him and the sun..the sun was reflecting off the snowdrop flowers.."

"Mokey, you really are sick!" Boober gasped in horror. "You're complexion is all off and you're talking funny, you don't even sound like yourself! It might be a very rare viral infection of the…"

"I'm so terribly selfish Boober." Mokey rambled on, fixing the small green fraggle with tearfully black eyes that seemed to root him to the spot, where he sat down at the edge of the pond, perplexed.

"Mokey..you're not..that is you of all fraggles could never be called.." Boober began, but the words died in his throat.

"I'm suppose to be the strong one…"Mokey, I hurt my knee." "Mokey, tell me its going to be okay." "Mokey, you're poems make me happy." "Mokey, as long as we have your singing voice nothing can ever…" Her voice cracked and silence settled upon the water again.

"Mokey…" Boober breathed. "It's okay if..sometimes..if."

"I hate…myself..All the magic I knew, all the prayers to the moon.. all the herbs I had ever written about…I used them all..every single one..and he didn't wake up..he didn't wake up…"


"The song of a midnight place, it took him..from me…"

In the background a handful of Spellunkers slowly rose out of their stone tubes, beginning to sway their long fuzzy worm like bodies to a soft music box like medley.

A whisper in the silence, a warm compassionate hand.
Eyes that know your soul without a word.

Slowly, sleepily, a handful of ditizes lit the cave like tiny twinkling stars.

Some long forgotten song whispered in winter…
The notes only the always loved have heard.

Softly, four toe ticklers joined in to add a low background hum to the words.

I see your face in an still imagined place,
Your laugh in every breath that's mine.

Boober reached up his arm feebly toward the waters edge and then let it drop down just as quickly. Mouthing the next lyrics in a soft unheard whisper.

Say you'll be home to warp your arms around me.
To kiss my cheek and say that all is fine.

The toe ticklers stooped humming and the ditzies quietly began to put out their firefly like lights one by one.

I try to make my voice carry in this winter..the song of… he who… is always… loved to…me.

The cave was wrapped again in total darkness, as both the fraggle upon the lilypad, and the one curled up upon the bank, gave into the silent company of sleep.

Gold Demona

Well-Known Member
Jan 24, 2008
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That is so sad. >.<
And that song was absolutely beautiful.
I can't wait to see what's next.

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Bootiful... Thank you for sharing this. More please? *Softly asks while slumber claims all.


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2006
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Oh, I really adore this chapter. It is so sad, but so beatiful. and so touching. I really really wanted there it to keep going and am haning on for the words of the next chapter.