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Fraggle Rock fanfic: Song Of A Midnight Place


Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2008
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Yep. :smirk: Perhaps he's desended from a long-since lost Fraggle breed that left him the sole survivor of his kind?
Something along those lines maybe :smile: Eeek! This is turning into a series *lol*:excited:


Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2008
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The common hole in the wall seemed especially everyday that morning.

A ray of sunlight traced its path from the dim singing purple tunnel out to the spacious work room of a just as common old fashion Arizona home.

The old grey and white sheepdog lay in his sleeping basket wagging his tail this particular morning, transfixed with the little brown and cream colored fluff of a puppy chasing after a ball two times it's size.

It finally caught it, and growling, tried to climb up onto the top of the shiny red sphere.

Sprocket gasped, putting out a paw to gently keep his daughter from falling, and perching her in a full belly flop on top of the toy.

Doc, who had been observing all this time as well, laughed over the edge of his newspaper at the puppy's little yap of victory.

"Well Sprocky, I guess it really won't be too much trouble keeping just one of the puppies. I'm glad you talked me into it..."

In the background, the poor little bit of fur could now be seen rolling over and over with the ball, clinging helplessly to it before he father stopped the cycle with a finger.

The puppy slowly oozed off the ball, collapsing drunkenly into the depths of the dog basket.

"Yes sir-re, Cassette reminds me of you at that age, Sprocket."

The old inventor reached down on a knee to pat his faithful pet.

"Of course, just because something new comes along to love doesn't mean that someone old you love means any less. We've just got to take this life as it comes, together! Right Sprocky?"

Sprocket barked and nodded in agreement, as suddenly a set of tiny voices broke up the man and his dog moment.

"Rope?" A serious voice asked.

"Check!" A energetic female voice replied.

"Compass?" The voice asked again.

"Checkahroonie!" An even more hyper voice added in, it's comment ending with the unmistakable sound of bone hitting metal. "Ow…"

"Doohickey and thingamabob?" The voice finished.

"Those are the first two things I packed!" The girl's voice grumbled.

"Okay, then, I think we're all set."

Doc put down his newspaper where he had been kneeing to pet his longtime friend upon seeing the three fraggles that ventured from the magical hole, two wearing loaded down backpacks and one carrying what looked to be a set of barbells, a golden trophy, and something that looked a bit like a costume meant to resemble a fish.

"Well, well, what do we have here..off on another great adventure Gobo and Wembley?"

"Somethin' like that…" Gobo shouted up to the old inventor with a nod.

"And my.. who is this?" Doc asked, raising an eyebrow at the sight of Red. "If I recall correctly we met once a long time ago young lady…"

"Oh yeah, we did!" Red said happily, grunting as she repositioned the heavy load on her back "Hello again Mr. Doc, Sir. My name's Red!"

"You certainly are!" Doc said with a chuckle at the little fraggles raw energy, switching his voice over in the same breath to a fatherly tone. "Well Red, am I to understand your going with these two?"


Doc got up with some difficulty, only to bow deeply in a gentlemanly fashion before Red.

"In that case…as a humble ambassador of our race, let me be the first to welcome you to the human world."

Red blinked with a blank look at Doc rose upward again to lead on a a shiny looking craved walking stick beside his work-desk.

"Hu…man?" Red asked, turning the unfamiliar word over in her mouth. "Isn't your world the world of the Silly Creatures?"

"Hmm..I never get tired of the words you fraggles come up with…"

Doc seemed to think deeply for a moment before his weathered eyes betrayed the slight winkle of insight.

" …I think even I like your name for us better. Yes, yes Red, that is the Silly Creature world out there. Just remember: Don't take any wooden nickels!"

"Nickels? What's a nickel? Do they taste good?" Red asked, stepping nearer and away from the doorway.

"Come on Red." Gobo said, grabbing onto her hand.

"Look both ways before crossing the street!" Doc added with a wave.

"Com'on Red!" Wembley coaxed, pushing her from behind with his whole weight and not even moving the stubborn fraggle an inch.

"Street, what's a street?" She whimpered ending with a wavering tone. "Do they eat fraggles?"

"You asked to go, so let's get going, eh?" Gobo said, giving the yellow fraggles hand a gentle but firm tug in the door's direction.

"Walk on the sidewalk!"

Doc shouted with a last wave, as Sprocket waved to from his basket, where Cassette panted farewell, only her tongue visible among the overhanging mop of her fur.

"Side..walk? How do you walk on a side? Are the middle-walks there to? Okay, okay! I'm coming." Red grumbled, finally being pushed from the wisdom of Doc at last.

"You really don't read postcards much do you?" Whembly chimed in.

Slowly, the three fraggles stepped out of the doggie door, into a flash of blinding sunlight…


(If you stayed in the theater long enough...
as sung by Mokey }

It’s not that unusual

Mokey and Boober stand alone at the opening of a cave, suddenly Mokey grabs his hand and pulls him reluctantly into it depths.

When everything is beautiful.

The two fraggles climbing up the side of the cave, Boober nearly falling but regaining his balance when Mokey grabs his tail.

It’s just...

They finally reach the top which is a large flat platform underneath a large gap In the ceiling, letting in the dim winter sunlight. Mokey spins happily around in a dreamy dance as it slowly begins to snow.

…another ordinary miracle today
The sky knows when its time to snow,

Close up on Boober's face as he looks upward,his hat falling off.

Don’t need to teach a seed to grow.

Slowly he parts his hair revealing eyes completely made up of shiny black irises and pupils that blend seamlessly with one another, and smiling in wonder at the snowflakes landing on his muzzle.

It’s just another ordinary miracle today.
Life is like a gift they say…

Mokey sits with a crowd of young fraggles sitting and laying around her in a circle as she tells a story.

Wrapped up for you everyday;

The same young fraggles dance around wearing masks as they act out the story, their storyteller chasing after them with a staff.

Open up and find a way
To give some of your own.

A drop of water falls off a stagnate in that cave tracing it's path down into the lower part of Fraggle Rock.

Isn’t it remarkable?

The drop of water finally drips onto Boober's nose where he looks up from his wash.

Like every time a rain drop falls,

Close up on a faded wooden sign with "Boober's School Of Laundry" written in overly fancy penmanship, panning outward to reveal dozens of fraggles washing clothing along with their teacher, some even doing a jig as they washed with their feet.

It’s just another ordinary miracle today.

Little Poppy races a trips over his oversized socks, picking himself up again, a postcard griped in his hand.

Birds in winter have their fling
But always make it home by spring.

Cut to Mokey and Boober sitting around a fire in a cozy cave as the they reach to take the postcard from Poppy and sit to read it with him, a gray and black spotted egg can be seen between them.

It’s just another ordinary miracle today.

Scene: Melt away to a close up on the face of a slightly older looking Poppy sleeping.

When you wake up everyday

A drop of water lands on his nose, waking him up suddenly. He looks wide eyed and surprised but then grins as if just remembering something.

Please don’t throw your dreams away;

Poppy springs up racing down a tunnel and trips over his socks halfway though…

Hold them close to your heart

Poppy finally reaches the cave where Mokey and Boober are sleeping soundly. Sleeping just as deeply nearby is a tiny light green baby fraggle, her even lighter mint colored hair done up in low bushy pigtails.

'Cause we’re all a part

Close up of the little fraggle as Poppy wakes her gently, pressing a finger to her lips to keep quiet. She smiles and coos.

Of the ordinary miracle...

Cut to the shadowed form of Poppy with the baby riding on his back as quickly and silently young fraggles pour out from their parents sleeping holes in front and behind him, whispering excitivly.

Ordinary miracle...

A small yellow fraggle with blue hair stops to pick up two tiny doozers in her hand, while a few other fraggle children from the line follow suit. The rest pop here and there along the pathway, gathering hidden paint cans and carrying them along. Soon, as they walk their feet are spattered with color…

Do you want to see a miracle?

The crowd of young fraggles and doozers finally reach the main hall, only to come face to face with another group coming from the direction of the garden, they part to reveal the form of a blue bonneted gorg baby wearing a faded radish printed oneisy, all ready with paint colored hands it waves happily at them and everyone laughs.

It seems so exceptional
That things just work out after all.

Just at that moment, from down another tunnel a last group arrives, In their mist are three silly creature preschoolers. Silently all the fraggles, doozers, and the gorg baby, eye them for a moment before motioning them to join in…

It’s just another ordinary miracle today.

Sun comes up and shines so bright
And disappears again at night.

Close up of all the children's hands as they dip into the paint cans of red, blue, and yellow. Poppy carefully lowers a doozer down to barely touch the surface of one can, handing its half covered form up to his sister, who lets it walk on her hand up to the cave wall. Quickly all the others join in, attacking the wall with their hands and bold swipes of their fingers, leaving trails of color …

It’s just another ordinary miracle today.
ohh ohh ohh, ohh ohhh ohh...

The great gorg baby lets out a huge yawn where in leads against the wall, where all the fraggles, doozers, and silly creatures sleep peacefully together.

It’s just another…

...At their back the half awake ditizes dart like lazy fireflies, lighting up the mural behind them…


...and the scene of countless hand prints of all shapes and sizes, dotting the background of a painted rainbow and sun, shining over a green radish field , where stick figures with linked hands played happily together..

..miracle… today.

Author's End Note:

I've had that scene in my head since the very beginning of this story, and am so glad to finally be sharing it with you now. Personally, I think Mokey's singing voice suits the song even better than Sarah McLachlan's :smile:.

There is meant to be one more song for Red and Gobo here that is not quite done yet I will post someday in the future.. Until then I think Mokey and Boober and all fraggle kind deserve their happy ending....
A cassette is also a bicycle part, a little like a sprocket :wink:...

And if anyone is wondering, her name is Periwinkle :wink: (The color, not the flower). Why Periwinkle for a green fraggle? It just seems very fraggley, I think...


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2006
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Awwww, Just the way it should all be! Periwinkle, such a cute name. Suits her perfectly. Also, Cassette is just right.


Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2004
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Indeed. Well written epilouge, Red. You should feel proud that your first Fraggle fic was a success.


Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2008
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Thank you :smile:. I have not had much faith in myself as a writer lately and it is nice I think I can find support here :smile:. I know I am not the best thing since radish bars, but I try ...

Gold Demona

Well-Known Member
Jan 24, 2008
Reaction score
Awesome. Beautifully done.
And you are so right. Mokey's voice suits that song way more. =)
Can't wait to see more form you. ^_^
This whole story was very entertaining, and the ending was absolutely beautiful.


Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2004
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Thank you :smile:. I have not had much faith in myself as a writer lately and it is nice I think I can find support here :smile:. I know I am not the best thing since radish bars, but I try ...
LOL Fraggle work is often appreciated best--I think--by those who understand the worth of the series and its characters. And you definately have that down pat.


Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2008
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Thank you, I was actually afraid I could never do FR right, because I had just never tried it before..I think it is the mix of being able to write songs that really makes me feel at home with the fandom. The characters are all so pure and honest...


Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2004
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Indeed. And that--along with the magical music--breathed life into the series.

And I forgot one thing regarding the reunion of the Fraggle 5ive: That "Tommorow" rendetion by Red--and soon, the entire horde of Fraggles--was touching and brillant. Red pulled off an Annie quite nicely. ^_^

*sings along to Red, Gobo, Mokey, Boober, Wembley, the rest of Fraggle-dom, & the cast of Annie, as the music actually starts playing from the Little Orphan Annie musical (and the rest of you can feel free to sing too)*

:sing: The sun will [still] come out tommorow.
So you gotta hang on 'til tomorow.
Come what may.
Tomorow! Tomorow!
(We love ya, tomorow.)
It's (or you're) always a day away!
To...morow! Tomorow!
(We love ya, tomorow.)
It's (or you're) always a day...away!

Gold Demona

Well-Known Member
Jan 24, 2008
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*Big Broadway finish*

........heh heh heh. ^^;