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Fraggle Rock fanfic: Everything Seems To Sing


Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2008
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The grass-lined valley surrounding the Grogs garden was draped in all the finery of a wild wheat field in mid-June.

The tall grass whipped in a slight breeze to the background melody from sleepy grasshoppers in the unsure hour between the night and the coming morning.

Though this scene, with only the golden grass and white downy heads of thistles, turned a bluest tint in the moonlight, as a guide , Mokey walked slowly to her favorite place in the world.

As she walked, feeling the cool dew brush against her bare feet, her progress awoke what looked like grumpy ladybugs.

Annoyed at the fraggles lack of noticing them, the group of bugs began to follow, thumping their tiny bodies against the ground to fill in the beats between the grasshoppers chirping.

Mokey fingered the soda tab on her necklace thoughtfully, watching its silver gilt catch the dim light as she began to sing softly.

Sometimes I'm alone, sitting on my very own
Trying to find a simple kind of clue

She spun slowly around in a circle , upsetting the ladybugs, who scattered to not be stepped on.

And I would like to know, why the world moves me so
When it's only doing the things it will always do?

Moths took flight in the background, dotting the sky line like tiny white winged shadows among the fainting stars.

Why do caterpillars crawl?
Why is there a sky?
Why is there a world at all?
And why do I ask why?

Mokey looked down sadly as one of the moths landed on her shoulder, tilting it's head as if listening carefully.

Here I go again, why do questions never end?
What keeps calling all day long to me?

She glanced to the side and smiled slightly, singing as the moth flexed it wings in the crisp air.

Secrets come and go, I know I can't be the only one...

The moth flew off again, leaving the lone fraggle to sit down alone in a mossy sheltered spot.

Sometimes magic, sometimes only me...

Mokey slowly raised her arm up toward the sky, now starting to become edged with the orange glow of morning.

Why do caterpillars crawl?

She carefully rimmed the distant image of still bright crescent moon with her fingers...

Why is there a sky?
Why is there a world at all?

..and let her hand fall back to her lap with a sigh, bowing her head and closing her eyes in frustration.

And why... do I ask... why?

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Aw... That scene was purely beautiful. Helps I'm reading at around the time you meant for this to take place... Please, post more.


Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2004
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This was beautiful. As I said before, your inner Mokey would be proud. On top of that, I am sure the father of all Muppetdom--Jim Henson himself--would be proud to know that fans still have care, faith, and adoration for his creations (i.e. his "children" as it were, because his real kids have continued the Henson legacy). As the King of Country--George Strait, that is--once sang, this love is a love without end...amen.


Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2008
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"If you ask me, it sounds like you've got yourself a nasty case of The Whys there, young fraggle."

A heavy accented old lay's voice chimed in, to the background chorus of tin cans and rotten ten week old rutabagas rising from the surrounding earth.

Mokey turned sharply from the perch of her favorite place, that overlooked to one side the back of the fraggles famed oracles home. Two glay and pink mole rats still lay in their hammock beds between the two, dead to the world despite the noise around them.

"Madam Trash Heap! Oh, I'm sorry if my singing woke you.." Mokey said, her voice high and apologetic as she picked a dandelion.

"…A lot of good it did anyway..Oh, even my question song isn't helping today…"

Mokey blew on the white ball of fluff, sighing with a deamy gaze as most of the seeds remained stubbornly in place.

"Oh no no, I was awake already. Advice is a twenty four hour thing you know." The Trash Heap said, wagging a finger. "You'd be surprised how much night business I get…

She raised her lensless glasses on their stick up to her eyes in the light of the sunrise to the east.

The golden cheery tint bathed both the giant heap and the twenty-two inch tall fraggle above it on the hillside, as the the bird calls and sleepy gorg yelling began to tell of an everyday morning.

"Now, as I was saying, it sounds like you have a bad case of The Whys."

"Is..is there a cure?" Mokey asked, scooting forward to sit on the edge of her spot.

"Of course there's a cure," The trash heap said with a huff." Would I still be gabbing away to you if there wasn't?"

"Well…" Mokey began, quickly biting her tougue as if to keep her thought at that moment from escaping.

"The cure for the whys is the simplest thing in the world:"

Marjory began, again getting out her patented wagging finger (Which happened today to be a piece of old cheese).

"You gotta' take a bite out of the big apple."

"Pardon?" The fraggle tilted her wild haired head, not seeing anything that remotely looked like an edible apple around the Trash Heap.

"Do! My little fraggle, do! You've been stepping back so much you're sittin' on the frame of the big picture!"

"But last time I did something like that, it did'nt…" Mokey ended, her energy for words seeming to die halfway though.

"Then try again, find what works for you, don't just give up..."

The oracle rattled her contents, raising up on her magical base with a sound that seemed like it would wake up all creatures within a mile, but hardly brothered the nearby Philo and Gunge.

"...See new sights, meet new people: Find a new road and hit it good, honey!"

"Hmmm..Okay!" Mokey concluded at the infectious peppy tone of the wisdom giver.

"Well, I'm really going to have to think about this though…" She added beginning to walk away back to the rock, and then suddenly turning to look back as if a thought had just hit.

"You know, Madam Heap..why is it none of my friends ever stop to just talk sometimes, like we do?"

"Well, not many creatures really get their kicks chatting with an oracle, you know…"

"But why?" Mokey asked.

"Because it tends to make an advice giver more real to their eyes …." The heap added with a nod.

"But why would that make any diffan…?"

"If we are real, it means we can make mistakes just like you." The heap cut in, glancing over her glasses.

"Oh, that's silly Madam Heap," Mokey replied with a light laugh.

"Why, I know you're not perfect, I think of you as just a normal person …"

"Oh you do, do you?" Marjory said with a suddenly more piercing glance. "Then how is it after all these years you're still calling me "Madam Heap" when you know what my real name as well as Philo and Gungey?"

"I'm…I'm not sure…" Mokey clamored in embarrassment, suddenly very interested in the ground.

The Trash Heap broke the serious moment with a belly laugh that make the bottlecaps on her necklace clink.

"Oh that does'nt matter, listen to me rattling on, I can see just fine why more fraggles don't stop to really chat."

"T..thank you for your words Madam Heap." Mokey said, dipping her head a little as she turned to resume her track home.

"Don't mention it little fraggle, and rememer: Do!"

The trash heap shouted over the groggy background grumbling that just now could be heard starting of one rattly demand for banana asparagus pancakes...

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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*Hugs Mokey. Seems like she needs one. *Hugs Songa as well. More please.


Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2008
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Thank you! *hugs* And that so much everyone that has reviewed so far, it means so much to me to know you like it. Even if I noticed some mistakes again *lol*. Aw well, I always fix them all when I post them everywhere else but..silly dyslexia and getting all my writing done at midnight :stick_out_tongue:...
But I wanted to get this first part done today and I did so yay! :3


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2006
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Awww, I can't believe I didn't notice this earlier (thanks for your PM). It's such a joy to read. I love docs hippie past! it suits him. And The way you've got across to us just EXACTLY how Mokey feels is so well done. I'm looking forward to the next chapter :big_grin: ((hugs))


Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2008
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Awww, I can't believe I didn't notice this earlier (thanks for your PM). It's such a joy to read. I love docs hippie past! it suits him. And The way you've got across to us just EXACTLY how Mokey feels is so well done. I'm looking forward to the next chapter :big_grin: ((hugs))
Thank you :smile:! I think it suits him to..I always like a feeling of history...A new chapter should be ready by tomorrow:smile:.


Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2008
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Dear Diary,
I should have known from that moment something was wrong...


"What's the matter, Mokey? Aren't you hungary?" Boober asked softly.

What had once been white and red swirled cake with green frosting and rainbow sprinkles had now become something closer to green pudding under the restless attack from her fork for the last half hour.

The cave that the five friends where now in was abuzz with activity from far more than the birthday party in one corner.

Moss Melon cavern, filled on every wall with the climbing vines of the magical melon that was only ripe once every hundred years, was now in it's center having wood for a bonfire slowly placed. The minstrels looked on to one side, softly playing a tune that made even the work part of the Midsummer Festival seem like play.

"Is there something wrong with your cake?" Boober looked down at the offending cake piece as if it had deeply betrayed him. "I made it especially ...but if you don't like it I could always…"

Red suddenly skipped around their stone table, her mouth covered with white and red crumbs and one hand full of another sizable piece of cake, while the other hand carried many pieces of wood for the bonfire as she made three trips back and forth in the blink of an eye, talking at a mile a minute.

"How could anyone not like radish bar cake? It's as good swimming,..no better even! I'd lifemate it just to eat it again and again…!"

"Me to!" Wembley agreed, munching happly to the side of where Gobo sat, looking a bit sad at his lack of dessert.

"No..no, the cake is just wonderful Boober…" Mokey gave him a little reassuring hug as the small green fraggle sat in his usual spot to her left, rubbing a free edge of her sweater.

"…It's just, I've been thinking…Gobo, maybe you know.."

Gobo turned his attention quickly from where he had just been about to take his chances with a tiny bit of radish bar icing on a spoon.

"Have you ever felt like there was something you had to right away, something important, but you didn't know what?"

"Why sure, lots of times.." Gobo replied, nobbing his pink haired head, which today happened to be wearing a red yellow and green striped beanie from his hat collection.

"The first time though was when I first decided to be an explorer…"

"Gosh, do you want to be an explorer Mokey? Do ya? " Wembley asked, sitting down with a burst of energy on Mokey's lap, his voiced edged with the first signs of his own sugar rush.

Mokey laughed at his face, which was now not only his normal light green but dark forest green from the frosting around his mouth, making the young fraggle look like a green clown.

"Well..I don't know…Oh Wembley, Wembley, what a mess you are!"

"Is exploring better than radish cake with sprinkles Gobo?" Wembley asked as his his face was being assaulted by the clean corner of one of Mokey's many watercoloring rags.

"Of course it's better than radish bar cake, I'm allergic remember?" Gobo retorted with a sad sigh, finally thinking the better of it and being down the frosting spoon.

"At least you've got things better than Marlon." Red interjected as she paused momently from zipping everywhere "He can't have sugar at all. I think that's how his eye got all swinty... it just isn't normal…"

"Don't be silly everyone, Mokey's not the sort to just fling herself headlong without thinking into something as dangerous as exploring!"

Boober declared, bumping Wembley to the side and giving Mokey an unseen look of complete confidence before returning to his ranting tone.

"…Mokey is an intellectual rock dweller like me! What she needs something safe, something constructive, something that supports…"

"Ideals…" Mokey mumbled, picking at her cake again.

"Right!" Boober agreed.

"Spiritually…" Mokey added, giving her cake a hard stab.

"You tell 'em Mokey!"

"Drastic action!" Mokey finished dramatically, standing up in one sharp moment of insight that sent both her cake plate and Boober tumbling to the cave floor.

"Righ..Um, couldn't we just start at acquiescent action and work our way up?" Boober asked in a small, muffled voice from where he had landed squarely on his nose.

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Well... Guess that's why Gobo was never a suspect in the Great Radish Bar Caper. *Laughs a little at how the chapter ends with Boober falling off of Mokey's side. Poor Fraggles. Please, post more so we know what'll become of them.