Fraggle Rock Fan-Fiction: Perfect Harmony


Well-Known Member
Mar 21, 2005
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*applauds* This was brilliant! The singalong reminded me of a Fraggle Rock, non-seasonal version of the Carol Sing from MFC. Parts of it also reminded me of any one of a number of Sesame Street singalongs! I loved the reworking of Yes We Can! Only thing is, Friends 'Til the End seems to me to be a bit bouncy for Cantus. Whenever I tried to picture him singing it, he always turned into Rowlf.
:sympathy: but the whole thing was beautiful!
And as for more stories, Ryan, I'll quite happily take whatever you have to offer, as long as I see some more of this perfect harmony in action in the form of more Fraggle stories in the future! Can't wait to see what you bring out for us next!