Alright, a place to give my five cents worth on Fraggle matchups.
Disclaimer: These are just my matchups, that I feel like I picked up on while watching Fraggle Rock. So I don't wemble on them too much on who to list, I'll just list all possibilities.
#1) Gobo / Red - Definitely. The hugs and kisses during season 1, their heated competitions to get each others attention, and then Red confirms she really admires Gobo in the SFX Interview.
#2a) Wembley / Lou - Yes, Wembley and Lou were only shown in one episode together and yes, Wembley considered her just a good friend, but near the end with them holding hands and singing together, one has to wonder. And I do think I recall seeing Lou appear as a background character is several episodes, but never with Wembley again. Could she had been admiring her Wembley in the background? Who knows.
#2b) Wembley / Mokey - Maybe, it's a long shot possibility, but I did consider it. Wembley being a young Fraggle, liking the more older mature mother like figure.
#3a) Mokey / Cantus - She wants to be a Minstrel and she adores Cantus for his musical and mysterious cool-calm qualities, plus his insightful words of wisdom. If she had remained a minstrel, things might of gotten more closer between them while on the road.
#3b/4a) Mokey / Boober - There are times when they really seem to "care" for each other, like there could be more to it, but Boober's too scared to try and Mokey don't want to scare him away. Plus it's Boober who seems more devastated when she leaves with the Minstrels, giving her more than just your normal hug.
4b) Boober / Tosh - Wembley and Boober are like part of the fraggle five close best friends group, but when you put a girl into the picture and Boober chose her over your close friend suddenly just for a song partner, heh... Plus, he can't say no to helping Tosh take care of her beasty pet.
5) Uncle Matt / Storyteller - I can see this match up possible as Storyteller really gets into her stories about Matt and swoons at times. We just don't see them together in the episodes because by now, Matt has his mind on Outer Space, his new passion.
As I said, they're just my matchups, nothing solid in stone, don't make me wemble over them.

/grin I still like reading all the fanfics and the matchups that are done. Since we don't have any really solid proof, except maybe for Gobo/Red, we can all imagine and be happy about who we think ends up with who.
And as I read through this forum here, I find all the matchups and reasons for them very interesting. It's neat how we silly creatures like playing matchmaker for the Fraggles. /grin