*Because Kelly inspired me...
Long long time ago.
In a studio far away.
Jim Henson had himself a plan.
And now I heard Henson's kin.
Trying to convince a new generation in.
To buying as many movie tickets as they can.
This new film, a rollicking rompus.
Where garden Gorgs, they try to thump us.
Escape into Outer Space.
Or is it some other place.
We popped back into the Rock.
With our burgled bumper radish crop.
We hope so much this movie doesn't flop.
That's where we found our home.
So dance, dance your cares away.
Save your hurries and your worries for another day.
Let the Doozers work while the Fraggles play.
Rockin' down at Fraggle Rock.
Rockin' down at Fraggle Rock.