Theres quite alot still to do before I'm happy with her, her hair, jumper, necklace, face shape, shadow work etc etc all need significant attention but you will see all that on the finished piece...and she still isn't finished? what's to fix? keep up the AMAZING work!
Why, thank you GonzoLover. As always, none of the illustrations are final. I just thought I'd stick them all back up again for people to view. There are the odd new bits here and there but overall its stuff that has been posted before.I see you've updated your flickr site.
Very nice work!
Breeeeeeaaathe!*shaking with the awesomness*
I am utterly too staggered for words by the amazingness of the stunningivity of the fantasibulous fundamentally ground-shaking earth-shatteringly Muppivity of the piece! Textured Beau, newly textured Janice, Popcorn Chef, BUNNY! heart-stoppingly good Gonzo, beyond awesome Sam, undescribable Beaker, and pulse-quickening Sweetums! (pulse-quickening?)
Nope. Words cannot describe how much screaming I just did upon seeing the updates.
I would love to see her wearing something way too extravagant.. some dress with a feather boa or something along those lines. Something like this:One question that I have is: What would people like to see Piggy wearing?
As long as her gloves are purple her dress could be anything. Maybe something sequined?
I remember she wore some B.e.a.utiful outfit in The Muppet Movie -- which I think involved Boa-ness. So if you feel like throwing some more delicately crafted feathers in just know we wanna see 'em.
I think we're all thinking along the same lines. For me, the purple gloves and a feather boa are a must (although I feel I really have done my fair share of digital feathersI would love to see her wearing something way too extravagant. some dress with a feather boa or something along those lines.]