I had time for one today. Nothing else much to do.
This is one is PG-13 later on, to be safe.
9. Night Swimming
Luxury vacations. Everyone needs them. When Kermit announced that he and the rest of The Muppets were heading out a luxury vacation to the Caribbean, immediately everyone was thrilled. "The Caribbean! How exciting!" "I wonder if we'll see pirates there..." "I wonder if Johnny Depp is there." "This is gonna be awesome!" "Yay!!!"
The gang left for the Caribbean following day. After checking into their hotel (which was fancy, despite the fact the other tourists didn't seem too thrilled), everyone immediately paired up for their sleeping arrangements. When Miss Piggy really wanted her and Kermit to share a room, he had to turn her down, since he had to take care of Robin. However, this was all made up for since she decided to share a room with Janice (Camilla was sharing with Gonzo.). Janice wasn't too thrilled, but she didn't really mind.
"Can I like at least have the bed by the window?" Janice asked as she, Miss Piggy, and a concierge carrying ALL of Miss Piggy's luggage stepped out of the elevator. "That was just what moi was going to ask vous," Miss Piggy responded happily as she opened the door to their hotel room. The room wasn't too small, but not too big. It seemed just perfect. And even better, a porch was hanging just outside the beach. "Oooh! This view is perfect!" Miss Piggy squeeled in excitement. "Fer sure!" Janice exclaimed. "You can like see the beach from out there." After the concierge set down Miss Piggy's stuff and left, Miss Piggy immediately got a beautiful dress she bought out of one of her (many) suitcases. "Like what's the dress for?" Janice asked. "Me and Kermie are having a moonlight dinner together tonight!" Miss Piggy said in excitement. "Dinner, dancing, a beautiful view of the beach....oh it'll be so romantic." She then headed into the bathroom to change into her dress.
Janice couldn't help but roll her eyes. Typical Miss Piggy. Suddenly, Janice's cell phone went off. However, this ringtone going off wasn't her usual ringtone of the month. It was "God Only Knows," her favorite love song. That can only be Floyd calling. "Hello?" Janice asked as she picked up the phone. "Hey, babe," a familiar voice replied. Janice smiled. She was right. It was Floyd! "Thought I'd call and ask how you and Hogerella are doing." "Like, fine," she replied, a little nervous. She would always get a little nervous whenever Floyd called. His voice just gave her butterflies to her stomach. "She's getting ready for a "romantic moonlight dinner date" with Kermit." Floyd chuckled and replied "Typical. You know..." "What?" Janice wondered. "Maybe....I was just wondering.....you doing anything tonight?" he asked. "No. Why?" she wondered. "I was just thinking that you and I should have a moonlight rendezvous for two tonight. What do you say," he suggested. "What do you like plan to do?" she asked.
"Night swimming," Floyd replied. Night swimming. Something him and Janice haven't done in years. The last time that happened they were almost caught by hotel security. That didn't turn out too well at all. However, Janice was always hoping she'd give night swimming with Floyd a second try. "I'd love to! 8:30 sound okay?" she replied. "Perfect," he responded. "Uh oh. Gotta run, hon. Animal flooded the bathroom again." "Oh, Animal," Janice replied with a giggle. "You gotta love him." "Always," Floyd said, chuckling. "A man's best friend, I always say. Anyways, gotta go. 8:30?" "Fer sure," she responded. "Love you." "Love you, I do, too, babe," he said. "Bye." "Bye," Janice said and hung up the phone just in time for Miss Piggy to step out of the bathroom.
"Who was that vous were talking to?" Miss Piggy wondered. "Oh, it's just Floyd," Janice replied with a loving sigh. Miss Piggy couldn't help but gag (not really.). She absolutely HATED Floyd (She hated a lot of the men in the cast (except Kermit) but Floyd was one of the "especiallies.") One exception about him is that she didn't want to break Floyd up with Janice. She just couldn't help but notice how happy the two were always together, hoping someday her and Kermit would be like them in a relationship. Long and lasting.
By the time Miss Piggy left for her date with Kermit, it was almost 8:30. Janice quickly got to her suitcase and grabbed one of her favorite bikinis. A strapless, blue, floral bikini. Janice knew Floyd would be all over her whenever he saw her in it. Just like the last time they went night swimming. She thought about it for a moment. "Like, why not," she said and quickly went into the bathroom to change.
8:30. Floyd was already waiting on a pool chair for his girl to arrive. The night seemed perfect. No one else was by the pool and it was already dark out. Stars were already glittering overhead. This looked like almost the last time they went night swimming. Floyd then turned around and finally saw Janice. "Hey, you came," he said, kissing her forehead. "Like, sorry I'm late, hon," Janice apologized. "No big," he said, checking her out in the beautiful strapless bikini. It fit perfect on her. It always did. Just like last time. "Floyd...."Janice said as she rolled her eyes, knowing that Floyd was already checking her out. "Ooooh, baby," Floyd flirted, as wrapped his arms around her waist. "You're lookin fine this evening. Very fine." He immediately kissed her on the lips, deep and passionately. Janice knew he couldn't resist. He wanted her and only her.
Unfortunately, after a few steps, the two fell into the pool, still holding onto each other. When they came up, they let go of each other. Janice couldn't help but laugh as she emerged. "Like that was fun!" she said. "But this is more fun," Floyd said and splashed Janice with water. "Oh you!" Janice teased and splashed Floyd. Immediately after, Janice dove underwater to avoid getting another splash from Floyd. When she emerged from the water, she gave Floyd a splash from behind, immediately surprising him. But by the time he turned around, Janice already dove back underwater. "She's good," he said. Floyd then got an idea.
When Janice emerged from the water near a wall, she gave a sigh of relief. This relief didn't last long, as Floyd emerged from underwater in front of her. Before she could escape, he grabbed her by the shoulders and gently pushed her against the wall. No escape now. Janice decided to surrender. "I knew I'd win," Floyd chuckled. Despite losing their little game, Janice smiled. She wrapped her arms around her neck and her legs around his waist and kissed him very sweetly, but also very deeply. Floyd pulled her closer to him, holding onto her waist and continuing to deepen their kiss. When they released, he gazed right into her eyes. "Jan....I love you," he said. "I rully love you, too," she replied and gave him another quick kiss on the lips.
"Let me...." he started, before Janice gave a nod. She knew what he wanted to do next. She could tell. Floyd then began to kiss her neck, sweetly but also gave little nibbles here and there. Janice cried out tiny moans in between the nibbles, but when he nibbled on her sweet spot, her moan became a little louder. "Oh, Floyd..." she moaned. Floyd knew she was enjoying this. Both of them wanted it to be enjoyable.
After kissing her neck for a little bit, he looked back at her and smirked. "Ya think Miss Piggy will be gone the rest of the night?" he asked. "Fer sure," she replied. "Good," he said as got Janice into his arms and out of the pool. Janice knew what he wanted to do now, but she couldn't help but ask "Floyd, where are we...." "Back to your room," he replied. "There's where the fun will really begin."
-----------------------------------------THE END--------------------------------------
Sorry for the cruddy ending. I realized I was running out of time and had to get ready for school the next day. Hope you enjoyed this "sexy" little drabble.

My next one will be my last drabble/oneshot for this collection.