Again, shows like Fraggle Rock had an average run on TV, so they don't need a "complete series" set!
I would not call it "average"

. It was not FRs fault that the series was not something everyone who got tv could watch

. If it had been on anything on normal cable at the time (which it couldn't be I understand) ratings would have been so much better, it was and is a wonderful show.
They ratings were great when it was on for a month or so on my PBS in 1995

As it it both FR and Get Smart have become such beloved shows to their generations that I don't think that over twenty year old ratings should doom them from ever having series sets on DVD. You may not care for them, but many people do ^.^.
Also, many movies were box office flops but have gone on to be cult classics beloved by thousands...I would hate to see them kept from DVD just because of that flopping history, it would be more than a little silly IMHO -.-