Gonzo in the argyle sweater. That's a must for me.
Dirth and the princess would be great-- but it will never happen. Don't think Palisades can risk it, plus, I get the feeling they are a bit too reputable to do anything that fragrantly illegal. And even if they were willing, Henson would never approve it. But hey, beat the dead horse all ya want, just don't beat any live ones.
I want variety. Kermit with the banjo would be fun, but how different would he be from series 1 Kermit? Perhaps we need a banjo in a playset (could come with the stage, couldn't it?) or something like that.
Ummm I agree with Frogboy on the Piggy variants. They need to be very different. Piggy as Benjamina, that kind of thing.
I know MTI isn't all that popular, but I think there are some great figure possiblities in that movie. What works for Muppets fans in a movie may not be the same as what works for Muppet fans in a figure. (I've discovered some of my worst Muppet drawings make the best Muppet quilts, and like wise, some of my best drawings are pretty awful once quilted-- just saying sometimes you don't know what will work until you actually see it.)
I like the Animal in kimono with gong idea. That was a great Animal sketch. Was Animal in a 20s costume in the gangster sketch from the same ep? I could get behind 20s costumed figures.... Gonzo in a striped suit with a violin case....