Hi there. Newbie here.
My apologies if there's already a thread about this, I searched and didnt come up with anything.
Last week I was paying a bill at my local Barclays bank when I noticed a woman in the queue ahead of me had a Mokey plush on her handbag. I thought 'where the heck did she get that from?'
Well I got to the counter, and behind the window was a big window box of little Fraggles. So I asked for a whole set once I'd paid my bill
My biggest problem is Wembley. The others are fairly nice, but Wembley looks like he's been beaten repeatedly with an ugly stick. The cat still loves him though. I am going to try get a nicer one next time I go in. Atleast one who's eyes aren't veering off in different directions.
I'd post pictures but don't seem to be able to
They may only be available through July from what I can gather so Im hoping I can grab a decent Wembley before they vanish
They are about 4" and cost £2.50 each. Any Fraggle fans in the UK should have a look in their local Barclays. Quite an unexpected place to find a Fraggle, let alone a Mokey!
My apologies if there's already a thread about this, I searched and didnt come up with anything.
Last week I was paying a bill at my local Barclays bank when I noticed a woman in the queue ahead of me had a Mokey plush on her handbag. I thought 'where the heck did she get that from?'
Well I got to the counter, and behind the window was a big window box of little Fraggles. So I asked for a whole set once I'd paid my bill

My biggest problem is Wembley. The others are fairly nice, but Wembley looks like he's been beaten repeatedly with an ugly stick. The cat still loves him though. I am going to try get a nicer one next time I go in. Atleast one who's eyes aren't veering off in different directions.
I'd post pictures but don't seem to be able to

They may only be available through July from what I can gather so Im hoping I can grab a decent Wembley before they vanish

They are about 4" and cost £2.50 each. Any Fraggle fans in the UK should have a look in their local Barclays. Quite an unexpected place to find a Fraggle, let alone a Mokey!