Favorite episodes

Gorgon Heap

Well-Known Member
Apr 15, 2002
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The "Least Favorite..." thread is still around, so I figured I'd restart this one.

-"Change of Address"- need I explain?
-"The Bells of Fraggle Rock"- leave it to Jim Henson & co. to use the archetype of a failed hero story as a meditation on faith and religion, with an ending that remains open to interpretation (the question of the actual existence of the Great Bell)
-"Wembley and the Gorgs"- reading Danny Horn's article on this episode gave me a whole new appreciation for the brilliance and depth of it
-"The Day the Music Died"- love the closing song, and the drama of the episode (stakes are high)
-"The Beanbarrow, the Burden, and the Bright Bouquet"- again, stakes are high (possibility of death for main characters), and I like the dynamic between the characters, and I love Red's song (also this was one of the first ones I had on tape when I was little, so it kinda holds a special place)
-"All Work and All Play"- well, I like Cotterpin, and I like the ending of this one
-"Doozer is as Doozer Does"- love the visuals in this one
-"Wembley's Flight"- love the theme and music
-"Wembley and the Mean Genie"- I've just always liked this one (it was one of the first I had on tape)

What are yours?

David "Gorgon Heap" Ebersole


Well-Known Member
May 12, 2005
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Ooh, tough, I guess I'm not allowed to say them all.

Right. Here we go.

Boober Gorg - it's the first one I watched as I was getting back into FR and it's where I get my user name from (over at FR.com I'm Luv2squashrocks)

The Gorg Who Would Be King - I love the scene when they realise they are all connected by radishes.

The Challenge - the funeral dirge is one of my favourite songs.

Wembley and the Great Race - Wembley is great but I also like Boobers' betting dilemma.

There, I'll leave it at that for now otherwise I'd just end up commenting on every episode I own!


Well-Known Member
Sep 30, 2002
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This is so tough to pick and choose...but i think it can be done:

Gobo's Discovery...have a hard time not relating with Gobo in not really knowing who you are at times and I love the song Once Upon a Time I knew my Name.

The Garden Plot...for some reason, this was always a favorite when i was a little kid.

Bored Stiff...same reason as the Garden Plot (i know those aren't really good reasons. lol.

Tune for Two...poor Wembley, and i love We are the Children of Tomorrow...it's all about the music

The Day the Music Died...will forever love this for the music and the crisis of the blackout in the great hall...Gobo is such a hero.

there are many more...but just too many to list. :excited:

minor muppetz

Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2005
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here is a list of my favorite episodes:

wembly and the gorgs
catch the tail by the tiger
convincing john
the minstrels
boober gorg
uncle matts discovery
boober and the glob
the perfect blue rollie



Well-Known Member
Apr 6, 2005
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And leaving the "Bells" seconding aside, no true list can be complete without "Secret Society of Poo-Bah's"--
In an already silly series, that one was just...out there. :excited:


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2004
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My Top 10

I like most of the episoades from season 4 and 5 but I'll only list my top 10 so I don't bombard you with a flood of comments. :wink:

#1 Beginning ( I thought this was the best made out of them all but 9x out of 10 I always find the first to be the best, and I just lve the way Gobo looked when he was younger with that fluffy featherie hair. :big_grin:

#2 Change Of Address ( I found this to be one of the most touching episoades out of the whole series. Finials always are for some reason. :cry: )

#3 The Trial Of Cotterpin Doozer ( I like adverture and this one had a lot of it the best Doozer one that I seen. I liek the politiaial background like when Cotterpin was being put on trial, and she was saying. " I'm being framed I'm innocent I tell ya! " And the Judge said, " How can you be innocent when you're on trial? " And Tudral said, " Excatly. You know how Doozer justice works. " ( Things that make you go hummm. * Smerk * )

#4 I forgot the title of this one, another Doozer one ofcours it was the one where Turbo, Tweezer, and Scoop Doozers try to talk Wrench into going flooping with them.

#5 Gone But Not Forgotton

#6 Red's Club

#7 Mokey Then and Now

#8 Space Frog Follies

#9 The Honk Of Honks

#10 The Cavern Of Lost Dreams