Favorite Count Von Count Moments


Well-Known Member
Jul 24, 2002
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Counting the lights on Sesame Street going on at the beginning of the show...and going off at the end. The last one to go off is the streetlight, so he sleeps on the lamp post until the morning.

The Rocky Horror spoof with Susan Sarandon,where he and Susan stop off at a gloomy castle on a rainy night and he knocks on the door. Turns out it's his place and he likes to count the times he knocks!

Calling a delivery man in the wee hours for new sheep once his sheep go on strike. The delivery man ends up having to wear a sheep outfit and jump over the Count's bed while he counts!

The night the Count crashed at Ernie and Bert's apartment. The Count sleeps in Bert's bed and counts sheep all night, leaving Ernie a walking zombie the next morning.

The Count recollecting (in song) his first day at school.

"Count Up To Nine".

The Count trying to level with his bats, who want to count. He decides that they can count all the Counts in the room, and he can count all the bats. (Naturally, there's one of him and more of them.)

"Bats In My Belfry"!

Appearing with the Sesame Street Muppets on Marty Feldman's episode of TMS.

ANd then there's this exchange I wrote, backstage at the Muppet Show:

Scooter: "Boy, Floyd, you sure have a lot of great old jazz records!"

Floyd: "Ain't that the truth, Scooter! *voice suddenly changes* And now I vill count dem all! Von, two, three, four..."


Well-Known Member
Mar 2, 2004
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There was one where The Count goes to the bank to count his moeny and asks the bank teller to take out all of the money which he did.

We return after a skit or a few and we see this pile of money on the floor.

The count's done and the teller asks "Count what are you gonna buy with all that money?''

(Count) Nothing.


Nothing? Then why did you take it out of this bak?

(Count) So I could count it.

Now I'll put it back.

Bank Teller faints.


Well-Known Member
Feb 18, 2006
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Wow, thanks for the refreshed memory--that bank sketch must've aired when I was 3 or 4 years old, barely enough to recall that much detail from Sesame Street. (I do remember the Count talking to the bank teller, and sorting through literally millions of singles as he ran up the total.)

Other than that one, here are some of the best Count von Count memories I've had...in no particular order:

  • His ruining the "Number 4 Show" (hosted by Big Bird) by counting the same four children in dozens of languages.
  • Buffy Sainte-Marie teaching him to count to ten in Cree.
  • His subtracting candle flames at home late at night, until it's pitch-dark.
  • His sleepover with Ernie, who makes the mistake of telling the Count to try counting sheep...and keeps Ernie up all night as a result.
  • His hypnotizing Grover into bringing him many, many, MANY hot dogs to count at Charlie's Restaurant.
  • His developing a case of the "counting flu"--which made the Count pass out every time he tried to count, even silently in his imagination. The cast found some pretty creative ways to stop him, in that episode...
  • His suggesting several cures for Maria's severe headache in another episode plot; she follows his advice at first, but then suspects he's offering suggestions just so he can count them. The Count laments his "one--one unhappy misunderstanding" and tries to apologize to Maria.
  • His worrying that Maria won't like the picture Telly drew for her to look at in the hospital delivery room--and counting all the reasons she might not like it.


Active Member
Feb 10, 2009
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Ooo, Count my favorite! haha. Let's see.

-the elevator operator sketch
-The one where he hires Ernie to answer his telephone. It was kind of fun to see Ernie as the one who was actually the one being annoyed
- The Batty Bat