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Favorite Cookie Monster Moments


Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2004
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Ziffel said:
Remember the one with Cookie Monster and Ernie where Ernie had some cookies in some kind of container. And I think Ernie has a device that he says can count cookies.
It was Cookie Monster's device and he called it a "Cookie Counter". It was this machine that made a repeating "Puk-a-TEE-ga puk-a-TEE-ga" sound. The device had a pointer attached, as well as a square that illuminated whenever the bell rang.
Ziffel said:
One question: The part where Ernie asks CM why there are no bell sounds, it sounded to me like Ernie says, "Hey Sam, how come there are no bells?" Did he really call CM Sam? Or was it some other word he said?
I remember that line, and it sounded to me like Ernie actually said "CM" (pronounced "see-emm"), the very same shorthand that we use all the time right here on this board! Perhaps the Muppeteers used that abbreviation during rehearsal and such, and Henson (with respect to the deceased) just made an honest gaffe? But in that case, why didn't they just retake the scene? Could be that no one noticed until the sketch was aired! I doubt that it was one of those errors they left in deliberately, like Fat Blue saying the "Y" was missing from his alphabet soup, or that girl who said "Cookie Monster", or the little girl who recited the alphabet for Kermit but omitted the "M", etc.


Well-Known Member
Mar 30, 2005
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I was trying to think whether Cookie Monster or Ernie owned that device and thought it was probably Ernie since he was upset at the end of the skit when CM ate the cookies. But I guess it was because the cookies were Ernie's and just the device was CM's.
And that is just fascinating, Sesame Mike, what you mentioned regarding Sam and CM! I do recall that when it sounded like Ernie said, "Hey Sam.." that it was more like 2 syllables indeed. Seeyam. CM! Very good, never made that connection. Yeah maybe it was a gaffe that went unnoticed. Has certainly happened in plenty of other movies and television shows. I noticed once in a "Brady Bunch" episode where the kids are jumping on a trampoline outside, Barry Williams who played Greg Brady mistakenly called Jan by her real name, Eve. With all the other kids shouting it's not too surprising that the editors didn't catch it. Anyway, that's really neat.


Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2004
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More about the "cookie counter"

After Cookie Monster demonstrated the cookie counter to Ernie, Ernie opened up the box and counted the cookies contained therein. We couldn't see any cookies at the time (he pointed to them from the top as he counted to 5), but we did see evidence of actual biscuits as CM ate them in the background.

Ernie's little shpeil to himself/the camera while CM unobtrusively gorged himself was something to the effect that the counter would be useful in determining the number of cookies left in the cookie jar, because he cannot see all the way to the bottom.

I thought he said "CM" way back when. I remember asking myself "what does the 'CM' stand for?". Then I thought "Cookie Monster? Then why did he call him that then and no other time?" It did not enter my mind that the show could have (gasp!) made a mistake!

When CM asked Ernie to point to his tummy with the counter wand, he hastily added "No/don't tickle just point." CM's last line here was "Cookies in tummy!" I didn't think Ernie was that perturbed at CM's consumption of the cookies (they might have been CM's to begin with), more like he was perplexed that the counter was still accurate regarding contents of the digestive tract.

As for the Brady Bunch gaffe, Barry Williams admits in his book "Growing up Brady" that he did indeed say "Why don't you give it a try, Eve." in that trampoline scene. I'd heard (but not confirmed) that the same episode had Florence Henderson saying to Peter "Oh Chris...", i.e., his real name.

Fuzzy and Blue

Well-Known Member
Feb 27, 2005
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My favorite Cookie Monster moment has to be on the "Don't Eat the Pictures" video where Cookie tries to eat what he sees in the Metropolitan Museum of Art (but Bob points out a sign in the museum that says "Please don't eat the pictures," Cookie promises not to eat anything, and he sings a song about it), and in the end, Bob rewards him by saying he can have anything at the silver lunch cart that he wants to eat, but then Cookie ends up eating the lunch cart!



Well-Known Member
Mar 30, 2005
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Another one I just recall bits and pieces of is when The Cookie Monster was on a diet. The details I remember had CM inside Ernie and Bert's apartment with Ernie. I think Ernie was afraid CM was going to eat his cookies but CM declined. Ernie figured something must be wrong and asked him if he was sick. CM says, "No, me not sick. Me on diet." But eventually Grover walks by (funny how he just happens to be passing by IN Ernie's apartment! it'd be one thing if this skit was outside at the wall! ) and then notices CM. He tells him he looks bad because he is looking too thin ("You look terrible! Yuck!").
Upon hearing that CM's diet bites the dust! I think he then munches Ernie's cookies in record time and I think Ernie is upset. (It seemed like any time the skits involved Ernie and Cookie Monster that Ernie usually ended up on the losing end. Which is the opposite of the conclusions of the E&B skits, of course).

minor muppetz

Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2005
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my favorite songs that cookie monster sang are c is for cookie, the ballad of casey mcphee, the song about cookie monsters first cookie and they can't take that away from me.

my other favorite cookie monster moments are:

the sketch where cookie monster eats the letters that spell food.

the cookie bunny.

and cookie monsters appearance as little red riding hood on Sesame street news (considering that this season is about healthy eating, this would be a perfect segment to show this season).

muppet maniac

Well-Known Member
Dec 9, 2002
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My all-time favorite Cookie Monster moment was from a street scene, one which had multiple parts. It had to be from one of the first two seasons.
If I could get a recording of just one scene from Sesame Street's early seasons, this would be it.

What happens is a (implied?) delivery truck parks opposite Mr. Hooper's store -- a truck that was delivering cookies. Cookie Monster had been anticipating this delivery, and Mr. Hooper casually asked CM how many cookies he'd like. CM excitedly said "3 cookies", and Hooper repeated his words and wrote something on his clipboard. Then CM said "no, 6 cookies" and Hooper wrote something again. Mr. Hooper walked off camera to the left in the direction of the truck, and CM kept escalating his order to higher and higher numbers. His last words before the scene ended was "150 COOKIES!".

There may have been a scene of delivery men carrying the cookie cartons, but the next scene I remember showed Cookie Monster inside or next to Mr. Hooper's store surrounded by a couple dozen brown cardboard boxes full of cookies. CM is excitedly rambling about how many cookies there must be, getting into higher numbers, then finally yells:
Cookie Monster then devours the entire contents of the cookie box immediately in front of him. The scenes that followed showed CM expressing regret that he ate so many cookies, something about a tummy ache. This even extended into the closing credits, which CM narrated. The ending went like this: "Sesame Street is a production of, the Children's Television Workshop. I think I'll go lie down."
Could this be it? :



Well-Known Member
Aug 5, 2009
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Favorite Cookie Moments

Hello everybodeee!:super:

I am back once again. Sorry to have been gone so long. There's lots of things I like watching Cookie Monster do, because he's one of my favorite monsters.

I like when he bothers Kermit, his Monsterpiece Theater episodes, when he goes nom nom nom nom whenever he eats, even his letter of the day skits were pretty funny.

But the part I liked best was where he tried to write/type to/ call Santa and he kept eating everything...lol! And then to top it off, he ate the tree. :smile:

Your dear friend,


Well-Known Member
May 5, 2007
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I like the series of (very old-school) sketches where Ernie would try to demonstrate a letter and something that started with that letter, but Cookie would interrupt and end up eating said item. I used to have a cassette tape that featured each of them. The "U is for ukulele" one was particularly memorable.


Well-Known Member
Jan 5, 2010
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Which Birthday Cookie skit?

There are a few that were left out:

"The Ballad Of Casey McPhee"
"If I Knew You Were Coming I'd've Baked A Cake" (Was that ever on the show?)
"Birthday Cookie"
"Cookie Eats Guy Smiley in Bakery"
"Up And Down" with him and Herry

He does an experiment on what cookie shape tests best, tries them all, and declares, tummy shaped.

And all those songs he did that were by Chris Cerf:

"Cookie Disco"
"Me Gotta Be Blue"
"Me Going To Munch You, Munch You, Munch You"
"Hey Food"
"Handful Of Crumbs"
"They Not Take That Away From Me"
"Healthy Food"

And many others, too many to name.
The Birthday Cookie? Are you thinking of Cookie Monster having a nightmare on meeting The Giant, Talking, "Monster Cookie?" I remember that skit. After Cookie Monster eat the whole box of birthday cookies that his grandmother made for his birthday, He felt depressed that there were no cookies left for birthday party. And he took a nap and dream about meeting "The Monster Cookie" who told Cookie Monster the sad tale on how he became that way. The Monster Cookie was also a blue furry monster, too. But eating too many cookies has caused him to become a cookie. And now, He regrets he never had any healthy treats. When Cookie Monster wakes up from his dream sadley, He sobbed "What a dream! Oh, Very sad!" He took his vision's advice and vows to never eat cookies again! So, Instead of cookies, Cookie Monster decided to eat carrots, fish, and whole-wheat bread. And then eats a cookie and said "Well, Maybe sometime a cookie." BTW, This was a pre-Veggie Monster sketch from 1992.