FanFiction.Net - Although riddled with badfic and populated mostly by Suethors (Mary Sue authors) and other writers who wouldn't know good spelling and grammar if it bit them, and even though Xing is causing a bit of worry with the latest policy stunt he's pulled, there's no bigger or more popular archive of fanfiction on the 'Net.
Livejournal - A blog site, most familiar out of the three major blog sites out there (LJ,
GreatestJournal and
JournalFen). Home to such fun communities as Customers Suck!, The Mary Sue Report (and it's various spinoffs) and Theatrical Muse, as well as a few Muppet-related communities. There's probably a community for almost every interest.
The Doctor Who Reference Guide - THE repository for information on
Doctor Who. This place has complete summaries to every single episode that's aired as well as all of the novels, novellas and short story compilations, the audio dramas and even the comic books and made for television movie.
Tales of the Gold Monkey -- Full Service Website - The most complete (and probably ONLY) website on the 'Net dedicated to the TV show
Tales of the Gold Monkey. This place has it all, from the original broadcast scripts and screencaps for every episode to an Amazon shop where you can buy the episodes on (homemade) DVD.
A Tribue to Roddy McDowall - A website for the late actor Roddy McDowall. Has career information, a large treasury of pictures, sound and video clips (including some of Roddy singing!) and even a fanfiction section.
Harpo Marx Tribute Site - A nice website in tribute to the silent Marx Brother, Harpo.
Why A Duck? - It may not be
the Marx Brothers resource on the Web, but it's certainly
a Marx Brothers resource, and a nicely put-together resource at that.
Best Care Anywhere - A nice, substantial M*A*S*H website, complete with audio clips from the series.