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FanFic: The Bonds of Family

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Another good installment. Sad that the little frogs had to say good-bye... Well, not good-bye, just... Till next time.
And the emotions and motions of the gang are quite poinient from Piggy ruining her sequin shirt/dress to Scooter and Gonzo.
Well done... Hope for more when you're better.


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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My sinus infection is a LOT better now. Took some sudafed stuff eariler, and my mind isn't so foggy now. But I'll be posting more tommorrow. Maybe later tonight, but most likely not. XD


Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2005
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Ohhh, so cute how attached Sara and Beth became to Fozzie. And I love how he's like "we have to go back to Manhatten to finish our movie" Poor Scooter, once again I just feel so bad for him! Anyway, good stuff here, keep it coming!


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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Chapter Twelve

"What do you think is taking Kermit so long, Clifford?" Rizzo asked, sitting against the bed. Clifford, Pepe, and himself were playing poker, with the TV blaring in the background.

"I don't know man. Maybe he just got caught up in family or something.....man, I fold, this game is whack." He set his cards down, and remembered why Kermit went to the swamp in the first place. But he kept his mouth shut, he had a feeling that he would be alright.

"Like...maybe that Hopper guy got to him..." Janice pondered, tuning up her guitar, while sitting on the females bed. "I mean...rully...he was such a sourpuss last time we saw him.."

"That guys ancient, babe! He couldn't be around now." Floyd interjected, while Dr. Teeth was rewriting some of the melody to a song they were gonna play, while sitting at the table.

"That guy had spunk, Floyd. Nary to think that he'd not be around, would be uncool. He was tough then, and he's tough now." Dr. Teeth absentmindly said, his mind still at his work at hand.

"BAD MAN! Hopper bad man!" Animal said, while going towards the door at a fast pace. Floyd bolted up and grabbed Animal's chain.

"Hey man, cool it! We ain't gonna go looking for Hopper, Animal!" He yelled, pulling Animal back with all his might, until the beasty muppet calmed down and sat with both drumsticks in his hands.

"Huh...what? What's going on??" Zoot said, lifting his head from where he was sleeping. He was up against the wall, beside Dr. Teeth. Dr. Teeth looked down and smiled a little.

"It's nothing, Zoot. Just go back on to dreamland, man.." He said, laughing. Zoot nodded, and went back to sleep.

"The froggy man needs saving from him!!" Pepe stood up suddenly, worried for Kermit and his friends for some reason. "...uh...but jou right gold mouth! He's still tough...and...who was he?"

Clifford raised an eyebrow, as the band looked at him oddly. Rizzo started laughing, and set his cards down for a moment, still laughing.

"You-You've never heard of what happened to Kermit and the thing with him and that Hopper guy!?" He said incrediously, he was suprised that Pepe never heard about it before.

"No. Nothing about this...Hopper man. Tell me, Ritzo.." Pepe said, very curious now.

"Maybe one of the band should tell ya...I wasn't really around for it, neither was Clifford here." He said, stammering a little. "I mean, they'd know it better then I would, ya know.."

"I'll tell the little shrimp about it." Janice said, smiling.

"I am a King Prawn, but coming from the sexy woman, that is fine, hokay!" He said, climbing up onto the bed. Floyd heard this and he leaned over to Pepe, and frowned.

"Any moves, shrimpy, and you'll be on the barbeque for this movie!" Floyd said, smirking at Pepe. Pepe gulped a little bit, and nodded at Floyd.

"She is your's. I know dat. Just...um...she is sexy, hokay?" He couldn't help it, and Janice was blushing a little bit.

"Like...fur shure....just...okay, like here's how it went, Pepe..." She started to tell him about what had happened during the movie, and all that she knew of it. About an hour later, Janice was all talked out, and she leaned back against the bed, holding her guitar, and smiling. "...and that's how it all went down, little shimpy guy...like it was a rully huge life-changing experience for all of us, fur shure..."

Pepe's mouth was hanging open, after she had finished speaking. He was astonished about what 'the froggy man' had gone through. He hopped off of the bed, and started pacing.

"He...threatened to....kill Kermin!? That....that is horrible!!" He shook his head a few times, and looked down, speaking under his breath, worried about Kermit a whole lot now. "¡Él debe ser golpeado con el pie en su extremo! ¡Golpeado sobre la cabeza con una piedra!! ¡Él debe haber sido tiro, no Kermin!! Eso es absolutamente horrible!!"

Rizzo was watching the prawn pace up and down the room's length, apperently cursing under his breath in spanish, so he thought. Pepe struck a pose, and shouted at the top of his little crustacean's lungs just then.

"¡Necesitamos rescatar al hombre del froggy!" He shouted, running towards the door.

The door flung open just then, smacking Pepe into the wall with a hard thud. Kermit, Piggy, Fozzie, Gonzo, and Scooter walked inside just then. Pepe slid off the wall, mumbling.

"Oh..dios mios...." He said, just before he hit the floor.

Piggy took one glance at him, and frowned. She then made sure Kermit was okay, and she went and sat down beside Janice on the women's bed. Janice was covering her mouth, about to laugh out loud at what had happened to Pepe just then.

"That little shrimp got it alright...rully got messed up huh?" Janice said, smirking. She saw how ragged Scooter and Kermit looked and she scooted off of the bed, and then sat down on the men's bed. "Like...Scooter, are you alright?"

Scooter nodded softly, and laid his head back against the bed. "I'll be fine Janice, thank you though."

"Hey green stuff...what happened down there? Did you get that Hopper dude again?" Floyd asked, also worried for his friends wellbeing. In fact, everyone in the room was worried about them.

"Yeah, we got him Floyd. He won't be bothering us anytime soon.." Kermit said, smiling, as he leaned against Piggy. He felt like he could go to sleep against her soft form, and he in fact did.


Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2005
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This chapter was hysterical!!! I was laughing out loud! It was really great! Pepe was just nuts! Great stuff, looking forward to more!

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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A nice chapter... Seeing Clifford and Pepe and Rizzo playing poker... And the EM's appearance, though Zoot was "a-b-s-e-n-t-l-y" missed.
Also, a touching exchange with Scooter and Janice. Oh...

You most deservedly get points for using some Spanish, though it needs tidying.
If you've got exclamations, then they all need the normal exclamation mark at the end and the inverted one at the beginning like the last exclamation the "c-r-u-s-t-a-c-e-a-n" bellowed before rushing for the door.
Though capital vowels which need accentuating don't carry them any more, if it's a capital E for the pronoun "él", then it does conserve the accent and you get double points for that.
Instead of "ahorrar" which does mean saving, "rescatar" which means rescue would be better.
Instead of "roca" which means stone and rock, "piedra" would be better.
And these I'm not sure I understand given how they were phrased...

"Él debe ser golpeado con el pie en su extremo."
"Él debe haber sido tiro, no Kermit."
And you might want to change it to Kermin in that exclamation, just to keep with Pepe's mannerisms.

Other than that, a good chapter.


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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Okay...you got me Ed. I don't really know Spanish at all. I just used a translation service...

It actually had those inverted exclamation points on it, and I took them off. XD Sorry, but thank you. It's good to have someone who really speaks spanish correcting me on that. I'll make the right changes right away.

"Él debe ser golpeado con el pie en su extremo." - "He should be kicked in the butt"
"Él debe haber sido tiro, no Kermit." - "He could have shot Kermit."

I typed those in english then had them translated, so....eehh...it was really just Pepe saying what he would like to do to Hopper, once he got over there. A lot of hot air really from the little shrimp.

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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No prob Sara... Just send me what it is you're trying to say and I'll see how best to help you out... Uh, cousin?
Sorry, had a little frog pipe up.


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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I edited the above chapter, people. Added a short bit with Zoot and Dr. Teeth. Changed problems with spanish wordings. And cleaned up a few other tiny bits as well.

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Much better... The cameo with Zoot was needed, shows the whole band's there.

Only thing I'm still not following is this line by Pepe: "¡Él debe de haber sido tiro, no Kermin!"