See, A Little Mayhem asked why Kim's Drawings and Stuff were in the big fan library when she was always updating it (which would make it not complete). But Kim (Slackbotinator) said that the stories in there, as well as the drawings, were self contained, meaning that technically they were finished. Hence her inclusion in the big fan library.
So my question was, did my post One Shots, Parodies, etc also count as finished, as many of them were one shots or scenes that didn't really go any place (or were deleted from stuff).
But THEN I realized that at least of them - the Bogen County one - was actually the start of a story, meaning that it's actually NOT finished, cause it's now a new piece. So in that case, the post would really be unfinished cause that one shot actually involved into a story.
So I guess my question was did my one shot post count as finished or was it still unfinished?