My prayers are with you also, people of the UK. I found these words today of Tony Blair quite inspiring and right on:
"We condemn utterly these barbaric attacks. We send our profound condolences to the victims and their families. All of our countries have suffered from the impact of terrorism. Those responsible have no respect for human life. We are united in our resolve to confront and defeat this terrorism that is not an attack on one nation, but on all nations and on civilized people everywhere. We will not allow violence to change our societies or our values, nor will we allow it to stop the work of this summit. We will continue our deliberations in the interests of a better world.
Here at this summit, the world's leaders are striving to combat world poverty and save and improve human life. The perpetrators of today's attacks are intent on destroying human life. The terrorists will not succeed. Today's bombings will not weaken, in any way, our resolve to uphold the most deeply held principles of our societies -- and to defeat those who would impose their fanaticism and extremism on all of us."
As sick and demented and nonsensical as these terrorist attacks are, thank God for the resolve and courage and coming together spirit of millions of Americans, Brits, and peoples all over the world. Praise Him that He is in control and evil will never ultimately win. To quote a line from the wonderful hymn, "This is my Father's world" : "Though the wrong seem oft so strong, God is the ruler yet."
Thank you to all of you here at MC for all of your caring comments expressed today.