Here's what I got for Christmas:
- Of Muppets and Men (the book I've been wanting FOREVER!)
- The Muppet Show Watch from DisneyShopping
- an 8" x 10" Photo of Rowlf playing the Piano (can't wait to hang it up!)
- Scott Staaaps' new CD, The Great Divide
- Kubrick Muppets! Now I just need to find a Beaker...
- Paper Mario for GameCube (I'm waaaaay behind on the Mario front)
- ALIAS Season 1 DVD's!!! Big Surprise.
- Kermit Desk accessories (stapler, etc. All that cool lookin' stuff on DisneyShopping)
But my favorite present this year...
- Rowlf the Dog Sideshow Collectibles Bust!!!! I couldn't believe it!!!
Wifey totally surprised me with everything this year, but especially the Rowlf bust and OMAM Book! Also got a few other gifts from the fam, some updated family pictures of the growin' kids (yay!), a cool African animal puzzle in the shape of a lion, a wax-coated teddy bear that smells like brownies (yum!), a towel set, veggie slicer thingy (awesome!), a natural health remedy book, a lot of yummy baked goods, my Gramma's homemade jerky (the BEST!), and some Onion Bread, just what I asked for from my Dad/Stepmom/little brothers!!! Seriously, I asked for that. I HATE onions, but I love this stuff!
I hope everyone had a very Merry Christmas, and got what you asked for or wanted, and got to spend time with the people you love!