Actually, there was another E&B sketch that took place in their kitchen. It had yellow wallpaper, I can tell you that much. And Ernie made some apple pie for both of them, and he asked Bert if he wanted some, and he said something like, "Yes! Smell that apple pie!" And Ernie gives him the small piece of apple pie, and here's how it went from there:
B: Uh, Ernie, you gave me the small piece.
E: Yes, that is the small piece right there, and I think I will keep the big piece for myself.
B: Ernie, that's not polite. Okay, if I were offering you some apple pie, I would give you the big piece, and I would keep the small piece for myself.
E: HAVE the small piece, Bert.
(clarinet closing outro plays)
B: Uh, what just happened here?
Anyone remember this?