Given what Buck Beaver's said about the parties involved, do you think that the Ontario or Toronto Star is implying that Mr. Ernie Eabes is no better than vampires, usually seen as creatures of evil? And that he's willing to make a pact with these unholy creatures to get his carreer continued?
Don't know and just tend to tune out politics altogether. After all, what side are we on anyway? Just forget and play the gig, don't get mixed up with politics.
If you could, please describe the last two cartoons posted by Buck Beaver, as I'd like to know more about my namesake's appearances in these.
Oh, and while we're on the subject, don't forget the Count's appearance live on the Daily Show with Jon Stewart during the 2000 Florida recount process. Introduced as the World's foremost authority on Mathematics, they used the sketch where the Count keeps getting more and more bags of mail. And then they had the sketch where the bats go on strike at the end as the Moment of Zen. And on another related episode soon after, Steven Colbear talks about how Al Gore took his case to the Justice League of America where Batman was hard at work at the Bat-computer counting all the votes all over again. And this sketch sticks out in my mind cause I always think of it and scream "Wrong Bat-Man!"
Hope this helps and have a good day.