Ernie Takes a Picture of Seven Cupcakes


Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2005
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I know this sketch is from 1970, but:

1) What happens in this sketch?

2) Where does it take place at?

3) How is it?

4) If there's an ending music in there, how does it go?

4 questions, please!

King Jim

Well-Known Member
Feb 26, 2004
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I don't remember that. But I think someone here can tell you.


Well-Known Member
Nov 9, 2003
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(1)Ernie stacks 7 cupcakes on a plate for dessert.Meanwhile,When ernie trys to get a picture of 7 cupcakes,Cookie Monster sneaks in for a cupcake each time ernie trys to get a picture of 7 cupcakes.So he trys another one and it happens the same thing.Then another one,Then he does it one more time(because of his last one),and what happens is he finally gets a picture of 7 cupcakes.When he takes a picture of it,Cookie Monster sneaks it again and we just don't see him at all because of the flash.So when the picture comes out of the camera,He finds out that Cookie Monster took the cupcake.When this happens Cookie Monster looks at the picture and says pretty.

(2)At Ernie and Bert's basement where they live.


(4)Do Do Do Do Do Do *Ding*(6 notes and a ding which the ding is the sound of the bell.)


Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2005
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The sketch also appears on a video "Learning to Add and Subtract" and the Norwegian-dubbed edition of this sketch is in a rerun episode of "Sesam Stasjon".

Soul H

Well-Known Member
Oct 25, 2003
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Tis truly one of the funniest Ernie and Cookie Monster moments. Especially the little dance Cookie Monster did at the end.


Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2004
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Other tidbits

Someone else described the skit; here are a few extra tidbits:

-- One of the first things Ernie did was count the cupcakes, after which he proclaimed "Seven genuine homemade cuppycakes!" When I first saw this I thought he said "January" instead of "genuine", as though he was going to wait a few months before eating them.

-- Cookie Monster first appeared while Ernie left to retrieve his camera. He just popped up from below and said something like "Ho, ho ho ho, cuppycake" and took one and disappeared behind the wall.

-- CM swiped the second cupcake while Ernie was right there, setting up his photo gear. I had to wait a few times for that sequence before I caught him, as this was well before VCRs were around. All we saw was CM's hand taking a cake, then his beady eyes for a split-second.

-- Ernie took the picture with a standalone flash device held up to the side of the camera. Although the hand holding it up from behind the wall had Ernie sleeves, I highly doubt it was the same Muppet. I think Ernie said "I got a flash here now... say cheese!" POOF!

-- Before the flash there were 7 cupcakes present. Afterwards, only 6. Very disappointed, Ernie said "Wait a MINUTE. Now there's only 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 cupcakes. What happened? I was watching them myself.
Then we heard a sound from the camera: "DING! Thweh-weh-weh-weh"
Ernie said "Oh, that sound there tells me my photograph is ready."
He pulled out the photo from the side of the camera, Polaroid-style. The photo depicted Cookie Monster in front of a plate of 6 cupcakes, while popping a 7th one in his mouth. Ernie said "Hoo! I think I have the answer."

I was a little confused by that last scene when Ernie (along with CM when he resurfaced and added his "pretty" comment) were standing there admiring the photo, when they clearly could not see it! The pic was facing the TV cameras while the Muppets were behind it.

Way back when I was in kindergarten, a classmate brought in a copy of that very same incriminating, caught-in-the-act photograph. That was the 1971-72 school year, so it had to have been aired that season at the latest.


Well-Known Member
Nov 9, 2003
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Cookie Monster did a dance at the end of that skit? If so,What kind of a dance at the end :confused:

Soul H

Well-Known Member
Oct 25, 2003
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It was to the little ditty at the end. All he did was shake his head a little.

Dantecat said:
Cookie Monster did a dance at the end of that skit? If so,What kind of a dance at the end :confused: