So I know I'm missing out, but I've never actually seen Emmet Otter's Jugband Christmas. I'm working on a big muppet project (I'll show it when I'm done) and I'd like to include the Emmet Otter characters. My question is, who are the main characters? The only ones I know of so far are Emmet and Ma, I can't really find anything that shows which of the remaining characters are more prominent.
Emmett and Ma definitely take the two most prominent spots. Then you have Wendell Porcupine, who plays a somewhat large role as Emmett's dim-witted friend, and Harvey and Charlie, who don't really do too much other than be half of the jugband, making them have some sort of a large role.
And then there's Doc Bullfrog, who plays an integral role in the ending of the story, but doesn't actually do much until the tail end, and also the Riverbottom Nightmare Band who would be the main villains of the story.
Those are pretty much the more prominent characters...there are side characters like Harrison Fox the mayor and Hetty Muskrat, but those characters don't really play a large role in the story and really are only extras.