Disney and Muppet Character Names
Ten years ago, when our beloved Jim Henson and not-so-beloved Disney were negotiating the interrupted and incompleted sale of the Muppets, I remember seeing some co-produced thing (a book or magazine or product label or something else in print) that really bothered me. The Muppet characters' names were shown in this way:
"What will our friends MISS PIGGY© and KERMIT© do next?"
It totally destroys my precious illusion that the Muppets live and love. How can I sympathise with NAME©? It has no heart or soul... I fear this will happen again if/when Disney owns them.
For some reason I feel this suspension of disbelief is important. Perhaps it is akin to deliberately not seeing the puppets' arm rods, etc.
Or have I not been paying attention, and this is currently happening already?