I would think that with Disney's big involvement in this "new" project that the versions of these replicas are going to be the most recent style of each. I imagine though that they will use Fozzie's classic tie instead of the blue hankerchief look. I would think that whatever hair they give Piggy will be stiched or glued on. Look at what has happened with all of them, all of their colors are more vibrant, and now have a very standardized look as a comodity like Mickey. We unfortunately have to settle for opinions and speculation as I would think Piggy is at least 10-12 months away in reality. Someone said something about Rizzo and Reporter Kermit. I would speculate that eFX might give US Rizzo as we have been collecting these so far and for economic reasons

, then go with a big replica. Would we be surprised or really truly upset if they released them as listed in the newsletter? I think we are all just happy to see the continuation, regardless if some of us opt out for Piggy (I'll get her) to save for Foz. I think Pepe will look cool as **** sitting in my glass case leaning on his book!