I love Ken's train of thought here. I'm not surprised you don't get a response for JHC Wembley. They are probably being buried in email right now and have little time regarding your email.
I just hope nobody has emailed Disney about this. Too many mails might just give them reason to check this out more and decide they want that toy license, or just to use it, and dry it up.
Regarding seeing Muppet stuff in Disney stores, I have yet to see anything I would buy for myself or for a child at a Disney store. Their toys are pretty crummy right now, and I see no sign of improvement. I recently used one of their figures of Donald Duck to make a custom of Howard the Duck, and I may scrap the wholething cause the articulation is so queer. I certainly don't wantto see Hasbro make Muppets after they have made crummy toys since time began, especially now that we are spoiled by Palisades toys and quality.
We'll all just have to wait this one out and snatch up figures as they are released.