Does anyone actually like Animated Fraggle Rock?


Well-Known Member
Apr 23, 2002
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Is there anybody out there who actually like the Animated Fraggle Rock? I hear people say nothing but bad things about it. But I have to tell you, I actually liked it quite a bit. It was a good way of seeing the Fraggles in free form. Where you could see them live their adventures from head to toe. I also liked it that the cartoon didn't copy the series to much, in that not every episode featured Doc and Sprocket, and not every episode featured a post card from Uncle Matt. You never really knew what was going to happen from week to week and some of the stories were excellent ones that should have been used on the puppet series. I can understand though why a Muppet Fan wouldn't like it. But if you ask me it was much better than Muppet Babies.


Active Member
Apr 13, 2002
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And I'm not afraid to say this . . .

I also liked the animated version. Actually, the cartoon series was my first major exposure to the Fraggles. Since I later came to the puppet version, I have no complaints about the voices being different, because I didn't know any better. I must say that I now do like the puppets much more than the cartoons, but the cartoons weren't bad at all, in my oppinion.


Traveling Matt

Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2002
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I kind of liked the animated version, but I think most people don't like it because it was done in a hurry, meaning that not much care was taken in the animation department (as you can see in quite a few scenes, if I remember correctly). That, and the voices weren't the same. Karen Prell mentioned that the puppeteers wanted to do their characters in animation form, but couldn't for some reason. It obviously wasn't that popular though, because it was only on for one season. It wasn't all that bad, but I didn't think it was nearly as good as the original, puppet version.

Just my opinion :smile:

- Billy :cool:


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2002
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This comes from someone who doesn't know the voices...

I really didn't like Doc and Sprocket. Sprocket is supposed to be a real dog. Not some cartoon. Cartoons are not cute like Sprocket.

Trash Heap looked awful.

So did the Gorgs.

Animated Doozers are boring.

The Fraggles were okay, except Gobo somehow looked too adult, Mokey didn't look as peaceful as the puppet version, and Red was a bit too small. Boober and especially Wembley were good.

The scripts were TOO easy. Lousy humour ("AAAH! The deep-deep-dark-dark-deep-dark hole!" "What?! The deep-deep-dark-dark-deep-dark hole?!"), not the depth from the puppet series, no quiet emotional moments that made the original series so unique.

They could have done so much more with it...


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2002
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YES! The 1988 animated fr cartoon was what got a lot of people exposed to it.(and th emost merchandise readily available) While I had a fr lunchbox in third grade, because I never had cable I was never able to see it. I thought then, and I still think what a big SHAME it was never to show fr on non cable tv. Can you imagine how much more people it could have reached? sad sad sad. Fr has been silenced since 1993, but with people like kprell and others, hopefully we'll see those fr dvds yet!
I mean this is the 20th annv of FR and Dark Crystal and there has been hardly a peep on those!



Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2002
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I used to watch it after the HBO series went off the air just because it was something Fraggle-esque. I liked the show okay, but I guess my standards of when I was 11 might not correspond to my standards now. I remember that it still wasn't the same as puppet-rock. It didn't have that special somthing.

Wembley Fraggle

I Thought the animated version was very good. Like someone mentioned earlier, the comedy in it was kinda cheap, and they kind of brought new strange characters in it like the Muck Monster or whatever they called it. All in all I would definatly say it wasn't as terrible as some people would make it seem.


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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Sigh!!! That was the only version of Fraggle Rock I could watch. Lousy Cable company!!!! But I liked it just fine, otherwise I wouldn't have cared about the Fraggles (indeed I do care!!!) Some people felt (no pun intended) the same about the Muppet Babies and Monsters cartoon, which is why it lasted shortly! You'd think that if a Baby version of the Muppets were a success, animated adult ones would be a hit. I only saw a clip of that show, because it was used in an episode of Muppet Babies. Too bad, I liked the idea of a cartoon Pigs in Space.


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2002
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Unfortunately, JHC made the horrible decision to only air FR on cable...and a pay cable channel(hbo) no less! so even if ya had cable ya had to also buy hbo on top of it. bah!

Anyways, THANK GOODNESS for the fr cartoon! it was on regular tv and I loved it. 1988 was a great year for offbeat saturday morning cartoons. ALF, FR, etc

Its weird, in the mid eighties I was carrying around a fr lunchbox, but it was til the late 80's I got more exposure to em.

PS: Im grateful to have been raised int he early to late 80's as a with the exception of fr live action, all muppet shows were on regular tv(mupet show syndication reruns, sesame, jim henson hour, muppet babies, specials, etc)



Well-Known Member
Jun 7, 2002
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I don't think I've ever seen the Animated Fraggle Rock. For all I know, I must have been a little gelfling @ the time...=)
