My girlfriend is already telling me once we get married, that all of figures which adorn my walls are coming down. No way honey I say!! If I had the funds, I would love to buy two of each, but it's not possible. Here's a story some of you might enjoy. While in college, my friend and I were playing with our wrestling figures being loud of course. We hear a knock on our door, and we look in the peephole and see our lovable RA. I'm trying to hide the figures under the bed, but my pal opens the door, and our RA is stunned. Next thing I know, he's running down the hall laughing himself into a frenzy. Hmm, guess now I know why it took me until my senior year to get a girl. For those who enjoy playing with the figures no matter how old you are, go for it! I applaud, and considering I might have some time on my hands the next few weeks, maybe I'll find some of my opened figures and start playing.
Again, thanks Ken, I'm going to really look into putting up a shelf. BTW, i don't know if it is right for me to ask you on a public forum, but are there any opportunities with your company? If it' s possible to e-mail you directly to discuss this in detail, please let me know.
Thanks to all, and happy hunting for figures.