For those of us that saw the trailer of Pixar's "Cars" which was suppose to have come out late fall, but was put on the shelf till this summer does not seem like a promising picture for Pixar. History shows that movies that have been shelved and then released at a later date don't do well. Actually at least for me, the topic of talking "Cars" seemed so boring that I wouldn't waste my time on seeing it in a theatre.
If Disney's "Chicken Little" had been a blockbuster success, we probably wouldn't have seen this sale today.
I guess both company's need each other to make a future hit. I just hope they won't do a Muppet CGI movie, that would be sad.
On a sidenote, I'm looking forward to Paramount Pictures announced CGI trilogy of the Smurfs.
I think there will be battles between Disney and Pixar's people. Recently I was reading about how former Number 2 at Disney, Michael Ovitz in a lawsuit against Disney said that many Disney executives told him straight out they would not obey his orders. So it seems many executives at Disney have a "greater-than-thou" attitude even over their own boss. (That was from court transcripts by the way.) So Steve Jobs won't have an easy go.
Then there's Roy Disney who has/had been fuming with Disney and his own powerplay moves to rule.
Finally, since such big money is involved, Disney and Pixar will be kissing each other for a long-time, but where does that leave the Muppets?