Here's another video from Pixar that was made a year prior to the Disney one. Enjoy!
Statistics are now coming out that Obama's support has diminished some among women voters since his announcement about supporting the idea of gay marriage in this country. I had the feeling this would happen, but I felt it would be the men. Go figure.
My Little Soapbox:
People often bring up marriage being an issue for the states, but is it really? If a couple is married in New York is it not recognized in Tennessee? Marriage is a national issue and it is my belief that gays should have that right. Civil unions are not a step forward. In fact, they're practically meaningless and here are a few reasons why.
- Civil Unions are state run and not nationally recognized. This means that when civilly-united couple moves, their spousal rights do not necessarily travel or move with them.
- Civil Unions do not come with at least 1,138 legal protections of marriage.
- Non-US spouses civilly-united to US citizens are not protected from deportation.
- Civilly-united spouses are not guaranteed hospital visits or a say in life and death matters.
- There is no exemption from estate taxes for civilly-united couples or right to a spouse's pension when they die.
- Social Security benefits upon death, disability or spousal retirement are not guaranteed for civilly-united couples.
- Family health insurance isn’t guaranteed when one spouse is injured or laid off.
- Divorce/dissolution requires citizenship registration in a state that recognizes civil unions.
- Civilly-united couples have no legal protection against discrimination due to the Defense of Marriage Act.
- Although contracts can be drawn up between civilly-united couples in order to retain some rights, third parties are not necessarily required by law to follow them. This means it is possible for estranged family members to make next-of-kin medical decisions and sue for inheritance over the rights of the spouse.
Gay Marriages won't change one thing about "traditional" heterosexual marriages. It won't require churches to perform ceremonies if they disagree with gay marriage just like Catholic churches aren't obligated to perform inter-faith marriages or any ceremony for that matter. Straight kids are not going to grow up wanting to get gay married because it's a legally recognized right. Marriages are not necessarily religious and do not require any authorization or rights from any church.
For those thinking about the economy, well consider how an increase in ceremonies will impact the marriage industry. There is a view from religious radicals that tolerance of gays and their right to marry will open America up to a moral crisis that will expose us to terrorist attacks among other such "smiting," but I encourage those people to realize such horrific attacks are perpetrated by people who hold the same kind of religious radical thinking.
The workplace, the institution of marriage and the world is big enough for all of us. Marriages are no longer about property, sexism or some simple rite of passage. They are about love, commitment and family. I think we all deserve that opportunity. /soapbox