Oh because the Simpsons is suuuch a failed project...and sooo unsuccessfull...success of that type would be sooo bad for the Muppets...I am sooo being sarcastic right now...
Agreed, yes, but the current Simpsons writers couldn't have any less talent if they tried. We'd get more scenes of characters with funny voices saying funny things with funny accents, and not really being characters in their own right. Watch VMX and pay attention to Sam the Eagle. That was very close to what I'm talking about (referring to over use of lazy jokes about Cletus, Ralph, and Sideshow Mel saying random lines for a cheap laugh).
Um I'm not anti Disney I'm Anti-crap and those teenie bopper empty minded movies are just that.
That's what I got out of it as well. The casting of Ashanti in OZ pretty much was for that group. I could get on a huge rant about it, but you know my feelings about those shows now. it seems like the only thing Disney wants to focus on, and it disappoints me to no extent. Cheesy, terrible, cliched sitcoms that make Full House blush, with horrible fake pop music. I remember how the Monkees were almost publically stoned (biblical death sentence, not the other thing) for not playing their own instruments. Unfortunately, that garbage is popular.
I feel Disney has a wonderful catelogue of wonderful things they don't need to mess with for the lowest common denominator. They do not need to use poor covers of classic songs by prefab bands, and commercials using classic film footaged altered to have fart jokes (which were considered blasphemy in the 1960's) to sell timeless films like 101 Dalmations (the good, animated 60's one).
1. Brian Henson has his own gig now--full of humping dog puppets and bathroom humor. That's what he wants to do with his legacy and he ought to be left to it. If he were the one who was going to bring the Muppets back in all their glory, he'd have done it by now. I think we should wish him well and MOVE ON.
The voice of reason speaks. Good for you, this comment couldnt be more accurate imo. I doubt wed be seeing this kind of muppet project from the Henson company if they were still in charge.
I have to disagree. I actually hate hearing something like that. We're Muppet fans. We have to know that puppets aren't all kiddy entertainment. I think the new Henson Alternative projects are really showing promise for older groups. We wouldn't see this type of thing in the muppets, because it doesn't fit in with them. They can be adult, but it's a certain kind of sophisticated adult feel to them. You wouldn't see them put any kind of that into a scripted project anymore than you'd see Sesame Street characters acting like those horrible youtube videoes in their own show.
But does that mean we have to ban that attitude forever from Henson? No. look at the SNL skits (thought they weren't written by them). I feel that they intend for an older audience, while making something completely different for kids. I respect people's views on respectibility on TV, but just as long as they respect my opinion that if things are done artistically, and not for shock value, they have a place for everyone else.
That said, I'm gonna just sit by and wait until we find out what exactly these 2 intend to do with the Muppet Script. Rest assured, there is a chance it won't sell, and won't go into production. it's just a script, and not even written at this point. Anything could happen, positive or negative.
A script is just a script until someone picks it up and okays it, and it goes into preproduction. Then and only then do you have a project. Remember how many Muppet Scripts were floating around, unproduced? I'm not trying to be negative at all here. I'm just stopping this from becoming:
(Post- dated 3/200

"YAY! A new muppet script!"
(post- Date 6 /2009-)
"So, what's happening with ___________?"
(post - date 6/2010)
"Disney's screwing the fans again because ___________ went unproduced" (followed by 2 more years of hating and hyping up projects that don't exist).