Things like this and when Facebook bought that chat app for 19 billion dollars make it seem like we're heading into another tech-related purchasing bubble like the early 2000s.
I honestly don't see what's to gain except for the companies getting bigger. Disney does not need to purchase any more entertainment companies, the least of which social media stuff. And The biggies like Facebook, Youtube, Tumblr.... they're all bought up. All we have now is superficial nonsense like the group behind Pew Die Pie and Shane Dawson... they really just want to make a huge mark on social networking without developing something better than what we have out there already.
That said, their ownership of Marvel has basically made a huge juggernaut an even bigger one. There's like 5 Marvel based movies coming out this year, 3 of them actually produced by Disney (who finally get to go alone without Paramount)... and I'm sure they get a slice of the merchandising pie from the other 2.