I really don't know what happened to the pupils. They're okay, but they do look a little too large and puffy. These are the specs they likely have. It's probably a factory issue. Such issues happened with Palisades too.
Remember Tux Fozzie's pupils? Eugh. I worked very hard on that Fozzie as every sculptor at Palisades and the factory dropped the ball. I did some of my best work on that Fozzie and he turned out as one of the weaker figures. It happens.
Good thing that the issues here seem to be minor. I can't wait to get these in my hands to look them over. From what I've seen, some subtlety was truncated between the samples and the final pieces, but that's to be expected.
I'm generally very pleased.
As an added note that's directed toward fans in general (and not necessarily here), there are a lot of folk who have been unduly harsh pertaining to this particular product. They'll sing the praises of many substandard Muppet products, but turn into absolute monsters (not the fuzzy muppet kind) when the figure talk starts. There's either some chip on the shoulder of these joyless, disaffected folk or some unattainable arbitrary standard. I don't know what to say other than to point it out. People were generally terrible about Palisades back in the day. People forget that, but I worked very hard on that product and took things pretty personally. It's been over a decade since that line ended and I've matured a lot as a professional so that doesn't happen quite as much anymore. However, I am not above pointing out this phenomenon. I just won't name names.
I will say this. Most everyone who works on these sorts of projects do so out of great passion for the Muppets. They're not quite as big business as we'd like to believe. I'm a huge fan of Tough Pigs' ugly toy pageant and I certainly don't think anyone should rave about something they don't appreciate, but unless something is truly awful - the hyper-critical folk are actually doing more harm to the Muppet brand than any particular product. Just a thought from someone who's done legit work for the Muppet brand on and off for the past 15 years.
Just had to get that off my chest.