first puppets, dying fabric
Thank you,
I completely in the dark with dying fabric. I would like to dye in a florescent color, because I'm finding very few fleece fabrics that will glow under black light that in normal light have a bright color. The fleece I'm using is polyester and from what I've read on other sites you can dye polyester, if what they're saying is true. I'm having a hard time finding florescent dye on the internet that can be used in vat dying. I did email Rit because they do have the florescent dyes, but they only sell them in baulk. Since my project isn't that big it would cost entirely too much money, but did ask them if they would sell me some in a small quanity. I doubt very much that they will.
I'm doing this for a church project and am not a puppet maker, but am experienced in sewing, which gives me enough confidence to tackle this project, Lord willing. I've been trying to learn as much as I can off the internet, and am thinking about buying the Foam Book. I'm just not sure that it will have the information that will meet my needs. I did make my own pattern for my puppets and it looks pretty close to what I've seen being sold else where and I've also figured out how to put the puppet together and came up with my own list of materials to use for the mouth and other parts. Thanks to all who have posted on this site, its made my job a lot easier.
If anyone has a place where they sell florescent dye that can be used in vat dying I'd appreciate it if they would list it. I've thought about air brush, but again I'm afraid that it would be too expensive. I completely new to dying fabric and find it intimidating. I realise that Rit has directions on their site as dose Dharma, but I'm thinking that people who've had hand on experience would be able to teach me what to look out for.
Thank You,