OH MY GOSH. what has been done to the smurfs? oh brother. why is it fun to take characters and throw them into new york city? enchanted, smurfs. why? why do they need to come to a big city? let them live peacefully. i for one, will probly be sitting here at my computer for an hour or so, ranting. so get ready.
i think i'll start with tv. don't hate it, don't love it. disney channel makes me gag (except that's so raven. i used to love that show), some nickelodeon stuff is OKAY. it used to be a lot better. i used to like reality shows, not so much now. american idol and survivor are getting boring and everyones bored with it. i rully like glee. i can say that. i rully do. i also watch degrassi.
uhm movies. haha. okay i guess. but theres no new movies that i (or anyone else) will ever remember 10 years from now. avatar, definitely, and from what i've heard, toy story 3. other than that, not so much. every single movie that comes out is, like, the same, i guess. i dunno. like, my favorite movies are all old. the goonies, grease, the wizard of oz, titanic. that's four of them at least. and muppet movies are in a different category (in my head of course) as well as disney movies. haha. i like things to be organized.
music. hmmm. i listen to mostly classic rock, and most of my friends tell me that i have horrible taste in music. i like mostly everything, like, i dont mind listening to most stuff. but like, the jonas borthers, justin bieber, miley cyrus, etc, naw. no thanks. some songs, MAYBE. i stress the maybe. lady gaga, is okay i guess. eh. rap/hip hop-no no no no no. how can you consider that talent? talking fast? no. songs should also have MEANING. a real meaning. not an inappropriate meaning. taking a bunch of words and putting them to music doesnt make a song.
appearance. i hate it when girls straighten their hair everyday and then have bangs hanging in their face. it's not ugly, but i'm sick of seeing it. skinny jeans, tight tshirt from hollister, aeropostale, abercrombie, etc. i wanna see something different. something unique. guys look stupid when they throw their hair to the side. my hair is long, but it curly and i dont flip it. naw. no no no. it seriously annoys me.
phew. okay. i think i'm done. if there was a time machine, i'd be living in either the 60s or the 80s. cause those were both pretty awesome times in history.