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(photo by Yours Truly, taken today!)
We got to see a lot of cool Muppets and related critters. No photos were allowed inside, so here's a quick text rundown with a few images I found online...
From Dark Crystal, they have the Garthim-Master/General Skeksis, complete with his hakskeekah sword nearby.

(photo from Muppet Wiki)
From Labyrinth, there's Sir Didymus, the four playing-card door guardians (liar and truth-teller), the deaf doorknocker on its door, a maquette of Humongous, 18 of the Helping Hands, and a Goblin named Fishface.
From Fraggle Rock: 4 Doozers in a cool scene complete with a Doozer construction...
(fourth Doozer at bottom is cropped out of this image found online)
...Red and Mokey playing with some 'nativity' puppets of their own...
...and miniature versions of the main Fraggle Five used in Gorg scenes.
(Photos found various places online)
Ma and Emmet Otter in their rowboat, the Hunky Dory. There's even one of the cool lifelike ducks from the river scene.
Big Bird.
(images found online)
Southern Colonel.
Link Hogthrob and Dr. Julius Strangepork.

(photo from Muppet Wiki)
Kermit (photo poser).
(image found online)
And in a room full of primarily Jim's characters: Rowlf, Swedish Chef, Dr. Teeth...
...a 3/4-size La Choy Dragon used for closeups, Bugsy Them (and two police-dogs), Ernie with what the docent alleges is THE Rubber Ducky from the first time they filmed the song...
...and the one that I easily found the most moving... Jim's doppleganger puppet from the Country Trio.
(Several of these images were found online at
On some TV's nearby they played a neat montage set to a Country Trio song I'd never heard them do before... "Don't Mess Around With Jim". It may have been from the Dick Cavett show. If anyone has that clip, or just the audio, I gotta get a copy from you!