Halfway thru the Submission time...there's about 21 & so people who said they're in (aside some of us here, i.e.)...For those who
are still in on this, how will you describe what makes
your story unique to others? To help out in case you don't feel like speaking too much, and yes, I totally understand, here's a list you can answer in the form of Muppet bytes. That means I use the smilies to begin each question:

Do you write with structure or stream of conscious?

What's your strongest style (pictorial, dialogue, epistolary, or something else)?

How many viewpoints did you made, and which peoples are they?

Who's the central character, the Hero in your story (Rian, another Gelfling, or other)?

Who's the Villain, the SkekSis that'll appear the most? (Note: Feel free to answer with any. The Hunter and the General are mentioned in the old library sources.)

And finally, which new feature(s) had you included in your story (is it a creature, tool/machine, magical power, calender time, weather anomaly, or a whole new race of sentient beings)? (Note: Feel free to choose just one for your primary answer.)
Phew! That's a lotta questions for one post! To answer, please use each smilie to answer easch question. And if you feel like asking me, I'll only answer my own questions if,
and only if, someone else is the first to do so. I just wanna make it a little fun as we pass the time...