That is a very wise decission, it makes sense to work with the latex as it is so durable, but for our beady eyes, and to preserve the history, unlike the poor rotten Hoggle, its very mportant that i think they produce such things for us to view. And how glad I am they do, even if I can only view them on a computer screen.
This is so unbelieveably off topic but I just had to right it down, I've been searching and found out that this summer in england there are a ton of puppet shows on, i will most definitly be going to see them as they are all near me,

there is Rust, by a company called Green Ginger, who say they have worked with the Henson Company- watch a clip of them in action here it looks rather creepy which is what I like. And there is also a production called Fallen Star by the Collaborators Theatre Company
And there is also a puppet festival on in Buxton, with many shows for adults and children. My how spoilt we are! I can't wait to see some live action puppet shows.