Cutting out old Sesame Street Books


Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2003
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Ok I know that the thred sounds stupide but I needed to know. If I have the Book in my colliction and I have the same book that might of have something wrong with it but still has good pics. I was wondering if anyone would please tell me what to do? Can I cut out what I do want but what if the book is still a collable. What should I do? Need Help.

The Count

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Jul 12, 2002
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The best advice I can give you on this subject is to just copy it. Take the page with the pics and text or whatever that specific page contains, take it to a laser color copier, place the page face down or however the copier instructions say, make a copy of the page with the segments you want, and then paste the page in the duplicate book that's missing the segment or material with a little bit of tape either along the top and bottom of the page or along the margin of the page where it connects in the book's binding. Trust me, I know from experience that this will result in the better solution. I could tell you from personal experience that cutting out a page or a picture from a book like this will only make you regret it later on in life when you wish to revisit that book's segment and you can't cause the page/segment/pictures aren't there anymore. Hope this helps and have a good day.


Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2003
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Ok please don't think I know what your talking about but I do. But thats now What I'm getting at. Now I have to Of the same books right. Here is the book name: Grover down on the Farm Now I have the same book of that name. Ok Here we go again. Now I would like to cut out the messed up book and just do what ever I want to do with it. Ok But the thing is that there's only one thing messed up about it. Now the other book is fine. Nothing is wrong with it. But the thing is I would like to cut out the messed up book. Like the characters but one of the pages is tron with a part missing some of the picture. But nothing else is wrong with it. Now would it be damaging the book by cuting out some of the characters or would I be damageing a colleters ideam.

The Count

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Jul 12, 2002
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Well, in any event, even if you end up cutting out the messed up part only or the messed up part with some of the perfection of that second copy you'd end up damaging the book regardless of the fact. So that you know what happened in my case, here's an example. There's a great book called the Sesame Street Word Book with various segments throughout the book with all the characters drawn in a way that they almost look life-like, at least the human characters do, with the relevant words highlighted. One page tells you about professional jobs and shows Gordon as a science teacher, Bob as a music teacher, Susan as a nurse, and Oscar the Grouch as a taxi driver. Well, the book has a segment where the Count von Count counts up to 20 using various items from his Transylvanian castle or haunted home. The numbers were all differently colored and had a nice style to them, so I tried cutting them out leaving one page with the items for 1-8 still bound to the book, but removing the entire page with the items from 9-20 from the book, and consequently lost that page and the first page of the Shapes pageant that follows. Again, my best recommendations would be to take the one book that's completely perfect and copy what's missing from the second book and then paste it onto the second book. Sure, this would also deface the original second book, but at least it would be only a superficial fix to get the missing picture, and you won't regret mutilating either book.
Hope this helps and have a good day.


Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2003
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So your saying that even if I have a second copy of the book even if I don't care about the other one I should still make it look better. See I was saying even if I have two of the same book and I don't care what happens I should still fix it? Because I would love to just cut out what I do want and use that for just making a floder of my own. Please don't tell me to still fix the book even those I have a copy of the other. Ok here I'll try it again. Now I have both copies. Right. Ok Now there the same copies none are different there both the same. Now like I said I don't care for the one I had because I have another one (THE SAME) Now would it be killing the first book even so that I have the same book with better pages or should I fix the first book Or just leave it alone. PLEASE HELP ME COUNT!!!!

The Count

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Jul 12, 2002
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Don't know if I can at this point.

Let's establish the following as primafaccie facts.
1 You have two copies of the identically same book.
2 Book A has 100% all the stuff the book should have.
Book B has 99.9% all of the stuff it should have.
Book B has 5% stuff that it shouldn't have.
3 You want to cut out the extra 5% from Book B that shouldn't be there to make Book B 100% identical to Book A.
4 After affecting the operation, both books should be 100% the same with all the material they should both have and no extraneous material that shouldn't be there.
Even if you cut up or out the additional material that shouldn't be in Book B to get it to look like Book A, you'd still be damaging Book B. The only help I can give you that won't lead you to any regrets is to create a photographic duplicate of the page that should be inside Book B and make a cosmetic alteration to Book B by taping the new page in its place. Other than that, guess the only other thing I can say is to go ahead and cut out the offending segment though I strongly caution to follow this plan at your own risk if you ultimately decide upon it.
Hope this helps and have a good night.


Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2003
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Ok I don't care for making the first book I have the same as the second book I just want to cut out character from book a and just keep the characters and make a folder with the characters the make a cool looking folder for Sesame Street stuff. Hope that makes a lot more sence then what I've been doing.


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2002
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I think Count is a little mixed up and thinks you want to fix the second book. I kinda get what you are actually saying - seeing as you have one version of the book already, i would say check Ebay to make sure the book isn't worth that much and if it isn't then yeah, fine - go ahead and cut the book up, make your folder and do all the fun stuff you want.


Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2003
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Thanks Luke

And ebay has a thing were you can see how much it really is? I didn't know that. Could you tell me what to do?


Apr 2, 2003
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I think what Luke means is to search for that particular book on ebay and see what it's generally selling for. Right now there aren't any on ebay, but I can tell you that on amazon shops, this title (Down on the Farm with Grover) used in good condition is going for about 21 cents. High and low ends are $5.00 and one cent. Some "very good" condition collector's copies are going for $65, but with a torn page, your book wouldn't be considered in "very good" condition.

I'd say cut up the book to your heart's content and make your fortune elsewhere.