Nice job on all of them.Hello, Took some more photos
Starting on this Website has inspired me to create again.
Today I finally made Andy and Randy Pig. I went with the original design of Andy (From Muppet Classic Theatre) with the smaller eyes.
The other day I made The Flying Zucchini Brothers
I have many more on the list but for now here are some pictures of ones I've had
Here we see Kermit not pleased with Lenny the Lizard trying to MC the Muppet Show
Here is my Bean the Bunny and BoBo Bear Since there has been some talk about BoBo. I'm not as happy with BoBo as I am with a lot of my others, might remake him someday...I like Bean though
This Place is Going to The Dogs
Nice descriptions on your Muppet figurines!Hello all,
Sorry I haven't responded or posted in a while. Work got busy again and I've been beat.
If you can dig up any pictures of your old clay muppets (R.I.P.) I'd love to see them. Also yes I do mix the clay to get the color I want. Sometimes I use a marker to add detail and just draw on the clay lol. For Andy and Randy pig I used face crayons.
I uploaded a Video to Youtube using my iphone and for what ever reason the app took really bad video. Idk why the focus goes in and out but I'll share it here anyway. Just a close look at the "Top Shelf" Muppets that I made. I'll be doing at least 2 more videos at some point to show off the rest.
Hope to see some cool new stuff on the site! Also I'm getting really excited for the New Movie!