Wow is the George Burns figure a custom too?

It looks awesome, the scale is perfect, how tall is it? But I must say er,.... the cigar in his hand looks like...... er well something else

, sort of, but once again awesome work!
Nope, that George Burns doll was made by a company called Exclusive Toy Products, around 1997. They also did a 'young' George Burns, and I think maybe a Gracie Allen.
I saw them in stores many times when they were sold, but never bought any. However, on a recent flea market junket, I spied the young George and it jogged my memory, so I've been searching for old George on eBay. I finally won one and he arrived yesterday.
He's actually about 8.5" tall, but I flexed his knees into a crouch and put Gonzo up on a platform to get the relative heights correct.
His glasses won't sit all the way down on his nose, which bugs me, and the cigar is permanently attached to his hand, yet the way the arm articulation is done, he can't actually put the hand to his mouth.
(Nobody's asked about Gonzo's fiddle and bow, but they come from a Rudolph and the Island of Misfit Toys elf action figure.)
As for pictures that look slightly obscene, be glad that I was using bluescreen on that Hulk Hogan photo, because the only way to get Rizzo to stay in his hand was to wrap the tail around the hand once. Which made the tip of the tail stick up into the air, between Rizzo's legs.
I didn't think anything about it at first, and in fact had already posted the original photo on my hosting site. Then I happened to glance at it a few minutes later, and realized what it looked like to a viewer who didn't understand the image in the full three dimensions. I quickly deleted it and went back to the original elements and digitally removed it before compositing the two together.