Aside from Alt-Scooter cage dancing? Um ... no, that's pretty much it for me.
Lol! Yeah, I must say, when I saw that for the first time it really did freak me out quite a bit. Still a bizarre thought... innocent ol' Scooter *cage dancing*! -Shudder-
The 'Marley and Marley' number from The Muppet Christmas Carol scared the bejeezus out of me as a kid (specifically when the chains start coming to life). It still creeps me out a little bit.
Oh yeah, I definately found MCC scary. Even know when I watch it I still find some parts sort of eerie.
Sweetums used to terrify me, esp. in that random scene in MTI where the screen goes all weird and long and it shows a close up of Sweetum's eyes. I remember watching that at someone's house when I was little and I hid behind the couch.
Fraggle Rock also used to scare me... to a degree. I guess that's kinda weird, being a little kid and one of your favourite shows scares you half the time. The fraggles weren't scary, it was more the environment and atmosphere of the actual FR, how it was alway so dark. I remember bringing the FR video "Songs" (the one that has the "classic" FR songs from season 1) to one of my friends house when we were both 7 and it really creeped her out, til a point where she actually asked me to turn it off. I can see why, I guess... the gorgs scared the heck outta me when I was little and the end bit of that Wembley song (from The Terrible Tunnel episode?) was quite creepy, too.