Counting Blues.


Well-Known Member
Mar 21, 2005
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Will this Kathy suffice? LOL!
I too, would be very much interested in your written creations. It's a shame about your lack of confidence, whether grounded or not, in your decrease in spontinaity. Creativity is about the only area in which I am spontanious, and it's a beautiful thing!
As for waiting or posting them right away, my advice is to go ahead and post as soon as you can. If you leave them, you will have plenty of time to wemble and potentially destroy good ideas. If you post them, they'll be here, you won't be able to change them, and the only thing you'll be able to do is make peace with them and move on. Does this make sense?

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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*Smiles... It does Kate... And believe me, I wemble or waffle on these a lot. There are times when I'm not sure what I want. But I'll try to plod on, maybe something to post soon or maybe not.
Thanks everybody, have a good night.


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2002
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Hi Ed,
Sorry I haven't expressed my opinion earlier. (Lots going on here on the home front.) :frown:
My opinion is start from "1" and work your way up.
Hope I helped a bit,


Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2005
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I agree with Kathy. Start with 1 and then work up. I really can't wait to read it.

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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*Bump... Bringing this one back up for some dreaded daylight.

Why is it I can't decide what it is I want to do/create?
It isn't inspiration I lack, but determination.

So I have a divergance: either work with the roster of master monsters, or develop the female haunted harem.
1 The "need" to have each character numbered.
2 The "want" to have a full female following.
3 And the fact that if I go with the haunted harem, I'm neglecting the master monsters that should be present, whether female or male though they're mostly males.

Can set it up so that it's either a row of ten girls or twelve for a sort of chiroptera cutie calendar, with the master monster at the end...
Since I'm not doing the whole centerfolds thing, that doesn't necessarily mean I "have" to go with the years of twelve except for the fact it sets up the last entry to be named "13th Souls".
The groups of ten make things flow a bit better, matching up the fact that it's 10 or 1-0, 20 or 2-0, 30 or 3-0, etc. with Monster 1, Monster 2, Monster 3 and so on.

But then when I look on all the monsters I have... It just makes me pause and wemble again, thinking that the idea of the Haunted Mansion filled with 999 ghostly souls can be done with individually-distinct monsters or creatures of myth, thus making me hesitate if I rully "want" the bat-girl troop when I can expand the collection so that each member is a completely different spook of legend and lore.

*Sigh... Decisions... Plus the fact my fics somewhat echo this dissatisfaction, failing to garner the staying power of other more talented authors' works.
So I think I'll just wait here for some feedback from my forum friends and chat with you guys in the hopes of filling the castle's coffers with whatever manner of spirits.

See you guys, hope to hear from you soon.