I have got some really good info from the folks here about a cookie monster type mouth and other stuff. So I thought I would tackle making a cookie monster before I start working on my own puppet with the same type mouth that swallows.
I have since finished making his head, eyes and neck, But I need some Ideas on how to make cookies body...... I have done countless searches here but only a few things come up.... I know several people here have told me that his body is just 2 pieces of material sewn up the sides so I have looked very close at cookie monster pics and observed videos and DVDs frame by frame. I may be totally wrong but from what I keep seeing I believe cookies arms and hands are sewn in separate not made as just 2 pieces front and back sewn up the sides. I did find Kermibaby47 posted a human arm type pattern here ... http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y265/toughie47/RufusBodyPattern.jpg but its just 2 pieces front and back. Has any one tried modifying this pattern? Or could this pattern be modified so that the arms and hands are sewn in separate and if so How? I know how the hands would be but not the arms. I would love to see pics if anyone here has made a cookie monster of their own.
LOL I may Just be crazy But I figure anything worth doing is worth doing right. All the puppets I have seen here are excellent
Thanks in advance if any one has any ideas. . Or could help
I have since finished making his head, eyes and neck, But I need some Ideas on how to make cookies body...... I have done countless searches here but only a few things come up.... I know several people here have told me that his body is just 2 pieces of material sewn up the sides so I have looked very close at cookie monster pics and observed videos and DVDs frame by frame. I may be totally wrong but from what I keep seeing I believe cookies arms and hands are sewn in separate not made as just 2 pieces front and back sewn up the sides. I did find Kermibaby47 posted a human arm type pattern here ... http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y265/toughie47/RufusBodyPattern.jpg but its just 2 pieces front and back. Has any one tried modifying this pattern? Or could this pattern be modified so that the arms and hands are sewn in separate and if so How? I know how the hands would be but not the arms. I would love to see pics if anyone here has made a cookie monster of their own.
LOL I may Just be crazy But I figure anything worth doing is worth doing right. All the puppets I have seen here are excellent
Thanks in advance if any one has any ideas. . Or could help