Controversial Topics


Well-Known Member
Oct 2, 2002
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There are three popular groups in this country that I find problematic due to a few choice toxic leaders who speak on behalf of their whole community of followers in striving to take rights away from Americans in all walks of life.
Funny, I know two idiots who do nothing but harm to whatever cause they're trying to promote which is usually themselves, Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson.

But I do know what you are trying to say about people speaking on behalf of supposedly the entire country. They're just trying to promote their view point, not the opinions of others. You can also say political parties do the same thing.....

I'm a strong proponent of thinking for yourself and not letting someone else to they thinking for you. That's one of the reasons why I hate religion in general. They let a book or a minister of some shape speak for the entire group instead of letting people form their own conclusions about something. But if they like religion, then that's fine. Don't want to be one-sided like Bill Maher.

By the way, I hate clowns and mimes too. Bug the you know what out of me.


Well-Known Member
Oct 6, 2008
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what came 1st

what came 1st -the chicken or the egg? i have my theory!:cool:


Inactive Member
Apr 13, 2002
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Funny, I know two idiots who do nothing but harm to whatever cause they're trying to promote which is usually themselves, Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson.

But I do know what you are trying to say about people speaking on behalf of supposedly the entire country. They're just trying to promote their view point, not the opinions of others. You can also say political parties do the same thing.....

I'm a strong proponent of thinking for yourself and not letting someone else to they thinking for you. That's one of the reasons why I hate religion in general. They let a book or a minister of some shape speak for the entire group instead of letting people form their own conclusions about something. But if they like religion, then that's fine. Don't want to be one-sided like Bill Maher.

By the way, I hate clowns and mimes too. Bug the you know what out of me.
I agree with that quite a bit!

I almost forgot that other problematic fourth group that Bill Maher belongs to (aside from PETA). It's the one I refer to as "toxic atheism". I'm an agnostic, and particular religions do creep me out a bit, but as long as it's not messing with my life I'm okay. But there's a brand of atheism that doesn't seem to be happy unless they're tearing down a person's viewpoint without leaving anything in its place. I like Bill Maher, but his point of view can swing into the wackadoo territory.

The Shoe Fairy

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Sep 11, 2008
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Alright, I'm going to throw a high risk one out there - Westboro Baptist Church
Now, I am all for freedom of expression and all, but the ridiculous level of xenophobia and homophobia displayed by this group really, REALLY ticks me off. I mean picketing funerals? That's just stupid; and it doesn't help anyone.


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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Alright, I'm going to throw a high risk one out there - Westboro Baptist Church
Now, I am all for freedom of expression and all, but the ridiculous level of xenophobia and homophobia displayed by this group really, REALLY ticks me off. I mean picketing funerals? That's just stupid; and it doesn't help anyone.
Lemme just say, when Bill O'Reilly hates you, you know you're even too far right of that toxic channel. Groups like that are WHY we have the toxic atheists Frogboy was talking about. The whole "God hates Gays, so let's judge them ourselves to save nobody" thing is the WORST aspect of religion. Tossing away all the important stuff to hold on to the precious footnote that lets them keep fascist bigoted ways. And you'd think the WBC would have loved the idea that we're staring war with another religion. I mean, that's how they marketed the war, right?

Why these guys aren't in Guantanamo is beyond me. I'm sorry, but "Thank God for 9/11?" Are you kidding me? That's a terrorist mindset if you ask me. How come at these vile, vomit and bile spewing but strangely lawful picketing lines don't have the same violent police activity peaceful anti-war protests get? That's a mental screw up if I ever heard one. I still am confused why "Please get us out of this war" sign holders get tear gassed and clubbed and "Obamama is teh Hiltlers" can safely walk the streets. But this "we love you terrorists for punishing us for not publicly stoning homosexuals because we find them ickypants" thing IS terrorism. They believe in the same exact backwards illogic that the very same people we're supposedly dropping bombs on believe.

I mean, technically, there's stuff about religion that bugs me, but that stuff I let slide. There's a lot of the Catholic religion that bothers me... and frankly, it's not so much the current stuff (and I don't want to go into that) as it is what they did historically. But the WBC is the evilest of the evil, and THE reason why no one respects religion. Again, even Bill O'Reilly thinks their evil, and he's on Fox News.

Super Scooter

Well-Known Member
Dec 17, 2002
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The whole "God hates Gays, so let's judge them ourselves to save nobody" thing is the WORST aspect of religion.
I'll change that to say "the WORST aspect of their religion."

No real Christian was EVER given the authority to judge another human being.


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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No real Christian was EVER given the authority to judge another human being.
Exactly. But there's a nice little footnote these pseudo-religion based hate groups follow to the letter, basically ignoring the ENTIRE rest of the bible. That is the worst aspect of any religion right there. And I refuse to even CALL them Christian, myself. Seem to follow the exact opposite, actually. Something with horns.

Super Scooter

Well-Known Member
Dec 17, 2002
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Exactly. But there's a nice little footnote these pseudo-religion based hate groups follow to the letter, basically ignoring the ENTIRE rest of the bible. That is the worst aspect of any religion right there. And I refuse to even CALL them Christian, myself. Seem to follow the exact opposite, actually. Something with horns.
Agreed entirely. :smile:


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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But the worst thing is that whole exploded oil rig thing. Everyone's (rightly) blaming BP, and (misguidedly) blaming the president. But NO ONE is mentioning Haliburton. They make inferior concrete... the same garbage the Boston Big Dig tunnel was made out of that fell on and killed a woman. The oil rig blew up because of the cheap concrete. But hey, I guess blaming the president for everything is the new it thing... even though he's trying to pass some sort of regulation (which will NEVER happen). The oil companies own our souls. They have billions and billions of dollars to discredit other forms of energy (if not, holding them back), they OWN the country and every politician in it (especially the right)... and they'll spend trillions of dollars to make sure they're never liable for ANYTHING. And this has been going on YEARS before our current guy was old enough to cross the street by himself.

But other than that, Haliburton. I'll say it again! I still swear they're the reason why we went to war, they tried to move to Dubai to avoid having to pay taxes of any kind, and they're just terrible. They're pure evil. Especially considering who used to run it... or at least was a controlling stock holder.


Well-Known Member
Oct 2, 2002
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Speaking of Obama (not to get off of the oil spill topic), I heard he's going on a vacation this weekend and won't attend to the Memorial Day mourning at Arlington Cemetery,