Sometimes I get to wondering, with Big Bird's nest area being blocked off by a collection of construction doors, what could have possibly been planned for construction in that area?
At the same time, I've seen a lot of pictures of Harlem and the brownstone houses that inspired Jon Stone to set the show on an inner city street... and I always see TONS of brownstone houses in a row, rather that just one standing alone as is 123, so this makes me wonder, do you think possibly another brownstone might have been planned to be built, but maybe Biff or Sully (lol) never got around to it, so a nest for Big Bird was built there instead?
At the same time, I've seen a lot of pictures of Harlem and the brownstone houses that inspired Jon Stone to set the show on an inner city street... and I always see TONS of brownstone houses in a row, rather that just one standing alone as is 123, so this makes me wonder, do you think possibly another brownstone might have been planned to be built, but maybe Biff or Sully (lol) never got around to it, so a nest for Big Bird was built there instead?