Confessing Crushes...


Jul 7, 2015
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I have a crush on Shadow the hedgehog
and Kind of sort of Floyd it's hard to explain.


Well-Known Member
Jul 16, 2014
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I also really like Little Mac...although I mostly know him through Smash Bros. My friend is really into the Punch-Out games though, so she knows like, all the characters. Meanwhile I'm just here thinking "okay so there's Little Mac, Glass Joe because he was in that Starbomb song, Sand Man because he was also in the song, that Hippo guy, and just straight-up Mike Tyson. Probably some others too." But back to the topic, Little Mac is just so darn cute!


Flaky Pudding

Well-Known Member
Nov 21, 2013
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I would like to admit something I've been embarrassed about for a while. I've kept this to myself for a long time and I figured that I will "come out" right now on this thread. Here goes:

You know how I'm not a big fan of the Alpha and Omega movies? Well despite that, I had a crush on Lilly when I was younger! I absolutely hated the movie but she was just so darn lovable that I couldn't help but feel for her. She's pretty, sweet, kind, funny, and downright adorkable. Also I dug her emo haircut at the time. I remember even though I'm not a fan of the movies and never will be. I don't find them funny and I don't like the Romeo and Juliet ripoff of a plot, I will always like Lilly. To quote YouTuber Bobsheaux who also doesn't like the movie
"Who doesn't wanna give her a hug?"

With a face that sweet, even the haters wanna hug her!

Whew, glad I got that off my chest.


Well-Known Member
Jul 16, 2014
Reaction score
I would like to admit something I've been embarrassed about for a while. I've kept this to myself for a long time and I figured that I will "come out" right now on this thread. Here goes:

You know how I'm not a big fan of the Alpha and Omega movies? Well despite that, I had a crush on Lilly when I was younger! I absolutely hated the movie but she was just so darn lovable that I couldn't help but feel for her. She's pretty, sweet, kind, funny, and downright adorkable. Also I dug her emo haircut at the time. I remember even though I'm not a fan of the movies and never will be. I don't find them funny and I don't like the Romeo and Juliet ripoff of a plot, I will always like Lilly. To quote YouTuber Bobsheaux who also doesn't like the movie
"Who doesn't wanna give her a hug?"

With a face that sweet, even the haters wanna hug her!

Whew, glad I got that off my chest.
Don't be ashamed! At least you didn't have a crush on a clock from a crappy British web series.