I have a question:How do you feel when the character you love gets killed off? Does it make you just as sad as if any old character died or does it make you especially depressed? Although it's not official, I had a TERRIBLE thought this morning. Giggles may have been officially killed off. Here's the reasons why I think this (again, just a theory. But still):
-She hasn't appeared as herself this entire season but........she has appearanced in dream sequences and pictures in the background
-Toothy was shown looking at a picture of her and crying in one episode. Why else would he do that, unless maybe they had some thing going we don't know about and she broke up with him off camera or something like that.
-Her last official appearance showed her clinging to life at a hospital. Because this is Happy Tree Friends though, this probably means nothing.
-Her last appearance was also the only time she's ever been voiced by the woman who normally voices Flaky. Voice actor changes aren't always a good thing in the world of animation.
So yeah, I'm probably not even close to accurate because of how the show has little to no continuity. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if Giggles is just on a brief vacation or something and will be returning next season. Where in Time is Giggles Sandiego? lol jk