Allow me to rant, if you will; it's often debated as to who has the better Rogues Gallery, Batman or Spider-man. Now, I think they both have a respectable Rogues Gallery, but Spider-man's is used much better. Despite Batman's many great enemies, the only one who gets any attention is the Joker. Now, Joker is Batman's nemesis, so of course he should get a little more attention than the others, but it's gotten a little ridiculous lately; Joker gets all the big, epic storylines while Batman's other villains get maybe a half-decent one-to-three-issue story arc once in a blue moon. They're all underutilized, while Joker is completely overexposed. Meanwhile, while it's accepted that Spider-man's nemesis is the Green Goblin, Spider-man's other villains still get plenty of attention. In fact, following J. Michael Straczynski's awful run on Spider-man, once Dan Slott took over, there was a real push to bring back the classic Spider-man villains, while at the same time bringing in great new villains such as Mr. Negative. Slott understands that since Norman Osborn is Spidey's "nemesis," any Green Goblin story has to be pretty epic, and having him attack Spidey every other issue, and be defeated, as he always will be, would dilute his villainous status. What I'm saying is, Slott and the "Spidey Brain Trust" have done a good job of giving the spotlight to EVERY classic villain, not just Green Goblin, while the same absolutely cannot be said of Batman villains other than the Joker in recent Batman stories. The last great Two-face story was Dark Victory, which was some time ago

. Again, the Batman writers are REALLY overexposing the Joker, and the more often he pops up only to be defeated by Batman, the less serious of a threat he becomes. Meanwhile, in Spider-man, even forgettable B-listers like The Jackal are being reinvented and brought back into the modern age with stories like "Spider Island." Maybe Scott Snyder should read more Spider-man
