It's funny that you mention that.Well, it depends. In reality, it should be like calling someone a donkey. Canada it's okay, I would assume it's okay where you are in Australia, but in the US... eh, not so much.
Stuart Little 2 has been rated PG for "brief, mild language", but I've watched both the original version, AND the director's cut version, and never heard a single swear word in there.
THEN I later learned that, and Beau or somebody correct me if I'm wrong, the word "spunk", which is in the movie, is considered a swear word in the U.K.
Why? I don't know, where I come from, saying someone has "spunk", is like saying someone has chops, or saying someone is "spunky" is like saying someone's high spirited, or feisty (GOOD feisty).